Section Two: Part D
Hör zu
Beantworte jede Frage mit einem ganzen Satz auf Deutsch. Du darfst die Frage hören, so oft wie du willst. Diese Aufgabe hat 16 Punkte.
- Hör zu
- Hör zu
- Hör zu
- Hör zu
- Hör zu
- Hör zu
- Hör zu
- Hör zu
You're probably heard of the Oktoberfest held in Munich each year. You may also know about Karneval or Fasching/Fastnacht (the German-speaking equivalent to the French Mardi Gras). A type of festival, however, that might be new to you is the Schützenfest, sponsored by shooting clubs and usually held in the summer (after spring festivals and before harvest ones). Officially it honors the best male and female sharpshooters (the Schützenkönig and Schützenkönigin), but it also provides an occasion for community fun and celebration. There are rides, games, and all the usual carnival food (like Popcorn and Zuckerwatte), much as you would find in the carnival area of American county and state fairs. One unusual thing for Americans is the Lebkuchenherz, a heart-shaped cookie with a ribbon through it. (People wear them around their necks; they are seldom actually eaten.) They usually have flowery borders and a saying written on them. Most of the sayings are intended for one's sweetheart, but sometimes there are silly ones as well. They come in varying sizes, from a few inches across to two feet or more, but the typical Lebkuchenherz is about 7 or 8 inches across. If you get to a German Fest of any kind, look for them!
Üben, üben, üben
Kannst du die Tabelle ergänzen (complete)? Klicke, um die richtige Antwort zu sehen. Wiederhole diese Übung, bis du alles richtig hast.
PRESENT (er-form) |
PRESENT PERFECT (with "ist" if necessary) |
beginnen |
beginnt |
begann |
begonnen |
essen |
isst |
ass |
gegessen |
abfahren |
fährt...ab |
fuhr ... ab |
ist abgefahren |
nehmen |
nimmt |
nahm |
genommen |
lesen |
liest |
las |
gelesen |
verstehen |
versteht |
verstand |
verstanden |
helfen |
hilft |
half |
geholfen |
finden |
findet |
fand |
gefunden |
gehen |
geht |
ging |
ist gegangen |
sein |
ist |
war |
ist gewesen |
Diskutieren wir!
Go to the Discussion Board and talk about the different activities that one can do in a German speaking country. If you had the chance to do some of these activities, what would you do and why. You should have at least four sentences. Diese Aufgabe hat 12 Punkte.
You may now take the Section 2 Quiz and then go on to Section Three.