German I, Semester 1; Die Uhrzeit

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

Course Symbols

As you prepare to begin working in the Spanish course, we are wanting to help you organize the course components so that it will be easier for you to know what to do and when. Use the following icons as clues to what kind of activity is coming up throughout the duration of the course and don't forget to have fun!!

This icon tells you you need to listen to the speaker
Listen to the Speaker
This icon tells you to view a presentation.
Watch Presentation
This icon tells you to repeat after the speaker.
This icon tells you to do a writing activity for practice.
Writing Activity for Practice
This icon tells you to play some games to practice vocabulary or concepts.
This icon tells you to read and learn about some cultural aspect.
Read and Learn About Some Cultural Aspect
This icon tells you to do an activity for homework to turn in to your teacher.
Homework activity
This icon tells you to prepare! You're about to take a test!
Prepare! You're About to Take a Test!
This symbol tells you that you need to view a Total Physical Response presentation and then do a quiz.
This symbol tells you that you will need to listen to a rhyme, music or tonguetwister that you will later learn for a grade.
This symbol tells you that you are going to learn a key concept of grammar or language.
This very important symbol means that you have an assignment that will be graded.
Graded Assignment


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