German I, Semester 1; Die Uhrzeit

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section Two:

Part A |   Part B  |  Part C   |   Part D |   Part E

Section Two: Part C

Key ConceptWieviel Uhr ist es?
Look at the clocks and learn how to express time in German.

clock clock clock clock

In order to tell what time it is, use "Es ist" for "It is," then put the word "Uhr" after the number for the hour.

Vocabulary Practice

Click here to practice these activities. Jig Word 4


More practice with time
Listen to the times by clicking on "Hör zu". Write down the time you hear. Then click on "Antwort" to see if you are correct.

Hör zu Antwort
Hör zu Antwort
Hör zu Antwort
Hör zu Antwort
Hör zu Antwort
Hör zu Antwort
Hör zu Antwort
Hör zu Antwort

You will want to know a few other words when telling time.

Wieviel Uhr ist es? Wieviel Uhr ist es?
boy eating midnight
Es ist zwölf Uhr. Es ist zwölf Uhr.
Es ist Mittag. Es ist Mitternacht.

At lunch time you can say either "Es ist zwölf" or "Es ist Mittag," and late at night you can say either "Es ist zwölf" or "Es ist Mitternacht." "Mittag" and "Mitternacht" are the words for "noon" and "midnight".

In German, they do not say "AM" and "PM." They have other ways of expressing the part of the day.

breakfast nap time evening out clock
in the morning
in the afternoon
at night
sharp, exactly

Practice Activity
Practice answering the questions about what time it is when you are in different places. Click on the question once you have answered it to see a sample correct response. The first one is done for you.

1. Du bist im Park. Es ist drei Uhr nachmittags.
2. Du bist am Samstag im Supermarkt.
3. Du bist am Dienstag im Bett.
4. Du bist in der Deutschklasse.
5. Du bist im Sommer im Schwimmbad.
6. Du bist am Sonntag in der Kirche.
7. Du bist am Freitag im Kino.
8. Du bist im Restaurant.


 Before we go on...let's talk
Before you continue on to Part D, go to the discussion board and, as in the above activity, mention where you are and what time it is. Create three such pairs of sentences. You will have to use your imagination and use German that you have learned in this course. This assignment is worth 8 points.

Go on to Part D.

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