5.03 Following Directions Discussion

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Prior to this discussion, make sure you watch the Workplace Essential Skills Online: Following Directions video in the Unit 5 Video Library.

Every day we either are given directions or we give directions to others. Have you ever been given directions to someone's home, and you just could not figure out the directions? Have you ever made cookies or a cake, and you missed adding an ingredient? Without proper directions, it is difficult to reach your goals. Think about simply making a peanut-butter and jelly sandwich. How many steps does it take to make your sandwich? Try writing down your steps to making your sandwich, and compare your directions to others. Did anyone have your exact directions? Were the directions easy to follow? Why do you feel that your sandwich will be better than others? Did you need to add any information to your directions after you compared with fellow students? How can a simple task be created into a complex equation?

Post your comments in the 5.03 Following Directions Discussion.



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