read aloudThe player will show in this paragraph


Another form of communication is written communication. In your workplace, you may be asked to compose a letter to a vendor, write a memorandum to the office staff, or create a publicity plan for the management team to review. In this type of communication process, we can modify our messages, edit, re-evaluate, and sometimes avoid the communications. With written communication, we usually plan out what we want to covey to the sender. We have the opportunity to review our content and we can make sure that our point is made in our written words.

After composing our messages, it is important to check for any typographical errors or language problems. If written communications are sent to the receiver with errors, this conveys to the receiver poor communication skills. The receiver may think that the sender is uneducated, untrustworthy, or maybe just plain "ignorant". Written communication is a permanent document that represents you and your business. Be careful when composing any type of written communication, because you may be sending the wrong message.

Besides letters, memos, and legal documents, another type of written communication is electronic mailing systems, texting, and blogging. These types of communications are changing the way offices operate their day-to-day engagements. In the past, a facsimile machine was the latest and most technologically advanced machine available in the office environment. Now, the facsimile machine is almost obsolete. Most electronic communications are handled through electronic mail. The convenience of electronic mail is ever-changing. A business person that travels can check their electronic mail anyplace, anytime, and almost anywhere. Documents can be attached to the emails similar to how you are communicating with your instructor for this course.
