
Assessment #1

What if there had been social media during the Gilded Age? You are going to complete a sample social media profile.

  1. Use evidence from the lesson, research, and your historical imagination to create a Fakepage profile for a real or imagined person of your choice (do not use the person shown in the example).

  2. Include information from the lesson resources and your research to assure the friends, posts, personal information, dates and other information are accurate and relevant. Your person from the Gilded Age may be real or imagined; however, he or she should have information relevant to our study of the late 1800s. The post on your wall from another person should be from one of the inventors or innovators you learned about in lesson 1.01 or 1.02. The comment should reflect his or her perspective on life in the Gilded Age.

  3. You may use the following sites to find pictures and research:

  1. Use the PowerPoint template if you have Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or above. Otherwise, use this word processing template to creat your page.

  2. Submit your completed FakeBook to 1.02 Gilded Age Fakepage Dropbox.

Assessment #2

Complete 1.02 Life in the Gilded Age Discussion.
1) Post your response to the questions below to the 1.02 Life in the Gilded Age Discussion. Be sure to answer thoughtfully in at least 5 to 6 sentences using material from the lesson and Task #1 to help support your answer.

What would life be like if you lived in a city during the Gilded Age?

  • What would be your favorite pastime or entertainment and why?
  • What new “modern” conveniences would change your life and home the most?
  • How would school be different for teenagers in the cities during the Gilded Age?

2) Respond to the thoughts of one classmate’s post in 1.02 Life in the Gilded Age Discussion by writing at least 2 sentences concerning his or her post.

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