
We are going to move past the periodic table now and focus on a specific type of matter: gases. Look around you or think about some experiences you have had. When have you interacted with gases?

  • Maybe you have had a few balloons, which were filled with helium gas?
  • Or possibly you've drank a soda which contained carbonation (a form of carbon dioxide gas)?
  • Hopefully, you're breathing as you read this, which means you are inhaling oxygen gas, and exhaling carbon dioxide gas!

soda in a glass and balloons

There are many different ways we use and depend on gases. In the next two lessons, you will be exploring some of the relationships that exist between different characteristics of gases. However, you will first learn some of the basics about gases and some vocabulary associated with gases. Then you will conduct some easy investigations using gases and share your results!


Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to...

  • Define pressure, volume, temperature, density, and confined gas
  • Conduct investigations to demonstrate the relationships between pressure, volume, density, and temperature of a confined gas

Enduring Understandings

  • Scientific inquiry is a way of studying and explaining physical and natural phenomena by asking questions about them and pursuing their answers.
  • Behaviors of gases can be understood and predicted by the relationships that exist between the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas.

The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: Physical Science standards: 2 and 1.

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