
Create a presentation using your choice of software (such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, or something else) or a website. Your final product should

  • Discuss the different types of impression evidence including tire tracks, tool marks, and footwear impressions. Dental impressions can also be included although we will cover that later in the course.
  • Discuss the techniques used to develop impression evidence.
  • Discuss how impression evidence was used in a real case.

In addition to the above, your presentation or website must also follow these guidelines:

  • Every slide or webpage must have pictures that relate to the content. See the ACCESS Adding Images module for guidance.
  • All sources must be cited using MLA format. MLA Citations Instructions - don't forget to cite your image sources.
  • Write in your own words; do not copy and paste.
  • Be neat, creative, and original.
  • Be careful to use correct grammar and punctuation.
  • Use a minimum of 6 slides (or pages in the case of a website), including a title slide and works cited slide. Make sure your title slide has your name, date, school, and facilitator name.

Be sure to consult the grading rubric for more information.

Submit your completed presentation to the 3.03 Impression Evidence Dropbox. If you create a website, type the web address on a word processing document along with your name, date, school, and facilitator name and submit it to the dropbox.



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