

Churches text version | Open Churches in a new tab


When Calpurnia is around her folks, she talks the way they do. When she is with the Finches on a daily basis, however, she takes on a different dialect that is more formal. Why do you think people use different dialects, depending upon the social situation?

When I was a young girl and on summer vacation, my dad would, frequently, allow me to go to the mill with him. As workers in the mill came to the supply room that my dad managed, either to get supplies or to carry on a jovial conversation with him, my dad would conduct conversations that I could barely understand with the laborers of the mill. A typical greeting might have gone like this, “Ain’t it a fine day, Homer? Didya plant your roastin’ ears yet?"

At home, he would never talk this way because my grandparents and mother would have reminded him to use the college education he had earned.


At the end of this lesson, students will:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the text;
  • Compare primary documents describing mob behaviors to that of the fictional Tom Robinson;
  • Define a viewpoint on prejudice and violence by writing a letter to the editor.
  • ALCoS: 1,2,3,4, 5, 9, 22b, 22c, 22d, 39a, 39b, 40, 41

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