
Decades ago, rural churches had no air conditioning nor ceiling fans, so businesses donated cardboard fans for the congregation to use to stay cool during long, hot sermons. I remember the ones at my grandparents' church had scriptural scenes on one side with an advertisement from a business, usually a local funeral home, on the other side. I vividly remember the advertisement for Quattlebaum Funeral Home that read, "Embalm and Quattlebaum."


Although I have never witnessed it myself, I have heard about certain members being asked to leave the church, as a result of some inappropriate behavior. The townspeople all knew when someone was churched.

preacher with bible in his hand.

Preaching to the choir

Finally, in Calpurnia's church, most of the congregation cannot read and wait until a literate member recites a line of the song for the congregation to echo in song. We have studied poetry enough to know that a line of poetry is a verse. When the poem is lyrical, each line of the song is a verse. To me, lining sounds as if it is both practical and successful for First Purchase African M. E. Church in Maycomb, Alabama.

preacher and choir

Passing the Offering

Even today, it is not uncommon for ministers to pass the offering plate for a needy family or for a worthwhile cause. It may be somewhat uncommon for the minister to lock the church doors until he gets the amount he desires, though. It is a loving church that takes care of its members when Calpurnia's church passes the offering plate for Helen Robinson.

collection plate