

Open 5.04 Miss Emily News. After reading "A Rose for Emily," create a news article about the events from the story. When you are finished, submit your work to the 5.04 Miss Emily News Dropbox.


  • uses the inverted pyramid format
  • provides detailed information from the short story
  • varies sentence structure in the article
  • informs, persuades, or entertains the audience
  • identifies the 5Ws and 1H
  • uses a hook to grab the audience's attention

Use the steps below to edit and correct your work before submitting.

  1. Save your work as a document.

  2. Run the spelling and grammar check within your word processing application.

  3. Next, go to the Hemingway Editor.

  4. Then, paste your work into the space provided and select Edit.

  5. Review the summary on the left. You can review the readability and the expand the information under Words to see the number of words, sentences, and paragraphs.

  6. Review the information on use of adverbs, voice, and hard-to-read sentences to see where you can improve your writing. Hover over underlined words and terms to look for alternatives. You can make edits directly in this space.

  7. If you make any edits in the Hemingway Editor, make sure to copy and paste your work back into your document.

Read the 5.04 rubric for additional information.

Bonus Opportunity

If you are tech savvy or would like to be, you may film the news report for the "local five o'clock news." You may use your phone, flip camera, or any other device to record the news story and upload it to the proper place. You may add special effects through a movie editor such as Windows Movie Maker, but it is not required.

Criteria for news story:

  • uses the inverted pyramid format
  • provides detailed information from the short story
  • informs, persuades, or entertains the audience
  • uses a hook to grab the audience's attention
  • is one minute or longer in length
  • uses precise language


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