Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

  1. Learn the Characteristics of Effective WritingWriting has a clear purpose, writing is an appropriate length, writing uses good grammar, punctuation, spelling, writing that demonstrates strong word choice, writing that is organized clearly.


Creative Writing with Purpose

Writing with a Clear Purpose

Have you ever dreamed of visiting a place very different from your hometown?

Today in class, we are going to visit New York City! New York City has been described as the most important city in the world.

New York City skyline

It is home to eight and a half million people! That fact alone van make this a difficult place to find employment.

Today's job market is very tough. If you are looking for a job, you are competing with hundreds of other people who need the same exact job. You might think, once an employer meets me, they will definitely hire me! Actually, there is a lot that must happen even before the employer ever meets you.

First, you must complete a job application. A large percentage of job applications are thrown in the garbage before they are ever even read. Do you know why? In most cases, it is because they are incomplete, or show use of poor spelling and grammar. If a job applicant cannot complete the job application correctly, do you think they could easily follow instructions on the job once they are hired?



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