
Task #1

Open 1.01 Writing Process. Choose a topic and complete all of the steps to the writing process. When you are finished, submit your work to the 1.01 Writing Process Dropbox.



Task #2

Your classmates and teacher would like to know more about you. Open 1.01 Getting to Know You and create two true statements and one false statement about yourself. As soon as you create the three statements, post them to the 1.01 Getting to Know You Discussion. Then, read all of your classmates' two truths and a lie so that you can respond to each by choosing which statement you think is a lie. When all of your classmates have responded to yours, go back and tell them which ones are true and which one is the lie.

In the same discussion thread, answer three either / or questions so that your classmates will know a little more about what kind of person you are. Have fun!


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SEEPS Strategy

In this course, you will have journal entries to complete in every lesson. A good strategy to use when writing your journals is called the SEEPS strategy. This means

  1. write a Statement introducing your topic;

  2. then provide an Explanation / Example;

  3. next, make an Elaboration about the topic;

  4. add a Personal Tidbit (Specific Detail) to make it more interesting;

  5. finally, provide a So... statement concluding your thoughts.


Study the example below. Click on the buttons to reveal the different components of the SEEPS strategy in the example. The journal prompt is "What do you think of the school cafeteria?"

Being in the school cafeteria has its share of pleasant and unpleasant days. First, the atmosphere is excellent. Where else can you enjoy twenty minutes eating with all of your favorite people? On the other hand, the food is a little less than desirable. My favorite food is meatloaf, but I'm not sure what the ladies are serving in their meatloaf. Next, my friends are talking and laughing, while catching me up on the latest gossip. However, if the noise gets above a whisper, the evil-eyed Mr. Kellar begins walking around our tables tapping his cane on the floor. He is such a nerd! If I finish my lunch early, my friends and I can spend the last few minutes outside soaking up the energizing sun in the refreshing air. Yet, if you start playing a game of football, Coach Dee scuttles through the crowd whisking the gear from your hands. Even though there are some undesirable circumstances in the cafeteria, I enjoy spending time in there each day.



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Decorative image.

Complete the prompt below using the SEEPS strategy. You may write one paragraph or one page. Review the rubric for additional information.

Journal prompt:

If I could change one thing about myself, I would change...

If you can't think of anything that you would like to change, you can discuss how you are so perfect!

When you finish the task, submit your journal to 1.01 Journal Dropbox.








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