
Prose is architecture, not interior decoration.

- Ernest Hemingway

Throughout this course, and maybe throughout all of your other courses, think of writing as an architect would think of building a house. The architect plans work before building a house; otherwise, there would be total chaos. Blueprints tell the layout of the entire house before one board is nailed. The writing process serves as a writer's blueprints.

There are five recursive Can repeat itself indefinitely. stages to this process.

Five stages of writing.

Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to...

  • apply the steps of the writing process by planning, revising, and editing,
  • assess the quality of one's own writing and strengthen it through revision,
  • analyze other students' work by providing feedback through peer-editing.

The above objectives correspond with the Creative Writing Course Standards: 1, 2, 3.

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