
This lesson is heavily based on ACPS (Alabama Career Planning System), which is available to most Alabama High Schools.

  • If you do not yet have a login, please speak with your school counselor. You will need it to complete this lesson.
  • If you do not have access to ACPS, please inform your Career Preparedness instructor what career planning system your school uses. If you do not know, ask your facilitator and/or school counselor to assist you.

Alabama Career Planning

The State of Alabama has partnered with the Kuder to provide the Alabama Career Planning System (ACPS) to students in Alabama middle and high schools. If you have used the system prior to this year, you will continue to use the log in you used in previous years. If you have forgotten your username, see the counselor at your school.

You will need a new Activation Code for each school year, so if this is your first time accessing the site this year, please see your counselor for this year's code. If you have never used the Alabama Career Planning System, you will need to create a new account.

Once logged in, you will need to complete the three assessments:

  1. Career Interests Assessment: - this assessment will find out what types of things you like to do
  2. Skills Confidence Assessment: - this assessment will find out what you are good at
  3. Super's Work Values Inventory: - this assessment will help determine what types of things on the job are important to you

The system then takes all the information you entered and will try to match careers that you are both interested in, like, and match your values.

To get started go to the Alabama Career Planning System.

If you have never used ACPS before, here are instructions for regististration.

Factors Impacting Career Choice

There is rarely one factor that makes someone choose one career over another. Usually, there are many factors that come into play. Here are some of the most common factors that impact career choice:

  • Salary: This one seems to be the big one, but why then, do so many people choose to be teachers? It's not for the salary, so maybe salary isn't quite as important as many people think.
  • Education and Training: How much longer do you want to go to school? If school isn't your thing, maybe you should reconsider Medical School, where you may be in school until your 30s. You also need to consider the cost of additional school, which you investigate in a future lesson. Many jobs only require an Associate's degree and the pay is often similar to typical jobs for 4-year college graduates.
  • Type of Work: Do you prefer working in an office, driving around all day, or working hands on in a factory? Do you think you would prefer working at a computer all day or talking with people all day?
  • Hours: How important is a traditional schedule? (Monday-Friday 8-5)
  • Job Outlook: As our economy grows and time passes, the need for some jobs decline while others are expanding. Be sure to choose a job that will be in demand in the future.
  • Job Location: Are you tied to where you live currently? The more flexible you are in regards to location, the more opportunities are open to you.
  • Values: You (and only you) decide what is most important to you. You may love the idea of being an elementary school teacher, but if you value making a high salary you may need to consider another career.




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