AP Statistics
Sections:  1.| Introduction  2| Designing Samples 3| Designing Experiments 4| Simulating Experiments

Designing Experiments

A study is an experiment when we actually do something to people, animals, or objects in order to observe the response. Here is the basic vocabulary of experiments.


The individuals on which the experiment is done are the experimental units. When the units are human beings, they are called subjects. A specific experimental condition applied to the units is called a treatment.

Because the purpose of an experiment is to reveal the response of one variable to changes in other variables, the distinction between explanatory and response variables is important. The explanatory variables in an experiment are often called factors. Many experiments study the joint effects of several factors. In such an experiment, each treatment is formed by combining a specific value (often called a level) of each of the factors.




Does regularly taking aspirin help protect people against heart attacks? The Physicians’ Health Study was a medical experiment that helped answer this question. In fact, the Physicians’ Health Study looked at the effects of two drugs: aspirin and beta carotene. The body converts beta carotene into vitamin A, which may help prevent some forms of cancer. The subjects were 21,996 male physicians. There were two factors, each having two levels: aspirin (yes or no) and beta carotene (yes or no). Combinations of the levels of  these factors form the four treatments shown in the figure below . One-fourth of the subjects were assigned to each of these treatments.

On odd-numbered days, the subjects took a white tablet that contained either aspirin or a placebo, a dummy pill that looked and tasted like the aspirin but had no active ingredient. On even-numbered days, they took a red capsule containing either beta carotene or a placebo. There were several response variables---the study looked for heart attacks, several kinds of cancer, and other medical outcomes. After several years, 239 of the placebo group but only 139 of the aspirin group had suffered heart attacks. This difference is large enough to give good evidence that taking aspirin does reduce heart attacks.  It did not appear, however, that beta carotene had any effect.




Julie obtains lists of all seniors in her high school who did and did not study a foreign language. Then she compares their scores on a standard test of English reading and  grammar given to all seniors. The average score of the students who studied a foreign language is much higher than the average score of those who did not. This observational study gives no evidence that studying another language builds skill in English. Students decide for themselves whether or not to elect a foreign language. Those who choose to study a language are mostly students who are already better at English than most students who avoid foreign languages. The difference in average test scores just shows that students who choose to study a language differ (on the average) from those who do not. We can’t say whether studying languages causes this difference.


The two examples above illustrate the big advantage of experiments over observational studies. In principle, experiments can give good evidence for causation. All the doctors in the Physicians’ Health Study took a pill every other day, and all got the same schedule of checkups and information. The only difference was the content of the pill. When one group had many fewer heart attacks, we conclude that it was the content of the pill that made the difference. Julie’s observational study—a census of all seniors in her high school—does a good job of describing differences between seniors who have studied foreign languages and those who have not. But she can say nothing about cause and effect.

Another advantage of experiments is that they allow us to study the specific factors we are interested in, while controlling the effects of lurking variables. The subjects in the Physicians’ Health Study were all middle-aged male doctors and all followed the same schedule of medical checkups. These similarities reduce variation among the subjects and make any effects of aspirin or beta carotene easier to see. Experiments also allow us to study the combined effects of several factors. The interaction of several factors can produce effects that could not be predicted from looking at the effects of each factor alone. The Physicians’ Health Study tells us that aspirin helps prevent heart attacks, at least in middle-aged men, and that beta carotene taken with the aspirin neither helps nor hinders aspirin’s protective powers.

Comparative experiments

Laboratory experiments in science and engineering often have a simple design with only a single treatment, which is applied to all of the experimental units. The design of such an experiment can be outlined as

Units                Treatment                 Observe response

For example, we may subject a beam to a load (treatment) and measure its deflection (observation). We rely on the controlled environment of the laboratory to protect us from lurking variables. When experiments are conducted in the field or with living subjects, such simple designs often yield invalid data. That is, we cannot tell whether the response was due to the treatment or to lurking variables. Another medical example will show what can go wrong.




“Gastric freezing” is a clever treatment for ulcers in the upper intestine. The patient swallows a deflated balloon with tubes attached, then a refrigerated liquid is pumped through the balloon for an hour. The idea is that cooling the stomach will reduce its production of acid and so relieve ulcers. An experiment reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that gastric freezing did reduce acid production and relieve ulcer pain. The treatment was safe and easy and was widely used for several years. The design of the experiment was

Subjects                   Gastric freezing                Observe pain relief

The gastric freezing experiment was poorly designed. The patients’ response may have been due to the placebo effect. A placebo is a dummy treatment. Many patients respond favorably to any treatment, even a placebo. This may be due to trust in the doctor and expectations of a cure, or simply to the fact that medical conditions often improve without treatment. The response to a dummy treatment is the placebo effect. A later experiment divided ulcer patients into two groups. One group was treated by gastric freezing as before. The other group received a placebo treatment in which the liquid in the balloon was at body temperature rather than freezing. The results: 34% of the 82 patients in the treatment group improved, but so did 38% of the 78 patients in the placebo group. This and other properly designed experiments showed that gastric freezing was no better than a placebo, and its use was abandoned.


The first gastric freezing experiment gave misleading results because the effects of the explanatory variable were confounded with (mixed up with) the placebo effect. We can defeat confounding by comparing two groups of patients, as in the second gastric freezing experiment. The placebo effect and other lurking variables now operate on both groups. The only difference between the groups is the actual effect of gastric freezing. The group of patients who received a sham treatment is called a control group, because it enables us to control the effects of outside variables on the outcome. Control is the first basic principle of statistical design of experiments. Comparison of several treatments in the same environment is the simplest form of control.

Without control, experimental results in medicine and the behavioral sciences can be dominated by such influences as the details of the experimental arrangement, the selection of subjects, and the placebo effect. The result is often bias, systematic favoritism toward one outcome. An uncontrolled study of a new medical therapy, for example, is biased in favor of finding the treatment effective because of the placebo effect. It should not surprise you to learn that uncontrolled studies in medicine give new therapies a much higher success rate than proper comparative experiments. Well-designed experiments, like the Physicians’ Health Study and the second gastric freezing study, usually compare several treatments.

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The design of an experiment first describes the response variable or variables, the factors (explanatory variables), and the layout of the treatments, with comparison as the leading principle. The figure above illustrates this aspect of the design of the Physicians’ Health Study. The second aspect of design is the rule used to assign the experimental units to the treatments. Comparison of the effects of several treatments is valid only when all treatments are applied to similar groups of experimental units. If one corn variety is planted on more fertile ground, or if one cancer drug is given to more seriously ill patients, comparisons among treatments are meaningless. Systematic differences among the groups of experimental units in a comparative experiment cause bias. How can we assign experimental units to treatments in a way that is fair to all of the treatments?

Experimenters often attempt to match groups by elaborate balancing acts. Medical researchers, for example, try to match the patients in a “new drug” experimental group and a “standard drug” control group by age, sex, physical condition, smoker or not, and so on. Matching is helpful but not adequate— there are too many lurking variables that might affect the outcome. The experimenter is unable to measure some of these variables and will not think of others until after the experiment. Some important variables, such as how advanced a cancer patient’s disease is, are so subjective that an experimenter might bias the study by, for example, assigning more advanced cancer cases to a promising new treatment in the unconscious hope that it will help them.

The statistician’s remedy is to rely on chance to make an assignment that does not depend on any characteristic of the experimental units and that does not rely on the judgment of the experimenter in any way. The use of chance can be combined with matching, but the simplest design creates groups by chance alone. Here is an example.



A food company assesses the nutritional quality of a new “instant breakfast” product by feeding it to newly weaned male white rats. The response variable is a rat’s weight gain over a 28-day period. A control group of rats eats a standard diet but otherwise receives exactly the same treatment as the experimental group. This experiment has one factor (the diet) with two levels. The researchers use 30 rats for the experiment and so must divide them into two groups of 15. To do this in an unbiased fashion, put the cage numbers of the 30 rats in a hat, mix them up, and draw 15. These rats form the experimental group and the remaining 15 make up the control group. That is, each group is an SRS of the available rats. The figure below outlines the design of this experiment.

We can use software or the table of random digits to randomize. Label the rats 01 to 30. Enter the Random Number Table at  line 30. Run your finger along this line (and continue to lines 31 and 32 as needed) until 15 rats are chosen. They are the rats labeled 24, 19, 02, 21, 14, 09, 06, 05, 04, 15, 29, 17, 07, 28, and 20. These rats form the experimental group; the remaining 15 are the control group.


Randomization, the use of chance to divide experimental units into groups, is an essential ingredient for a good experimental design. The design above combines comparison and randomization to arrive at the simplest randomized comparative design. This “flowchart” outline presents all the essentials: randomization, the sizes of the groups and which treatment they receive, and the response variable. There are, as we will see later, statistical reasons for generally using treatment groups about equal in size.

Randomized comparative experiments

The logic behind the randomized comparative design above is as follows:

Randomization produces groups of rats that should be similar in all respects before the treatments are applied.

Comparative design ensures that influences other than the diets operate equally on both groups.

Therefore, differences in average weight gain must be due either to the diets or to the play of chance in the random assignment of rats to the two diets.

That “either-or” deserves more thought. We cannot say that any difference in the average weight gains of rats fed the two diets must be caused by a difference between the diets. There would be some difference even if both groups received the same diet, because the natural variability among rats means that some grow faster than others. Chance assigns the faster-growing rats to one group or the other, and this creates a chance difference between the groups. We would not trust an experiment with just one rat in each group, for example. The results would depend too much on which group got lucky and received the faster-growing rat. If we assign many rats to each diet, however, the effects of chance will average out and there will be little difference in the average weight gains in the two groups unless the diets themselves cause a difference. “Use enough experimental units to reduce chance variation” is the third big idea of statistical design of experiments.



The basic principles of statistical design of experiments are

1. Control the effects of lurking variables on the response, most simply by comparing two or more treatments.

2. Randomize—use impersonal chance to assign experimental units to treatments.

3. Replicate each treatment on many units to reduce chance variation in the results.

We hope to see a difference in the responses so large that it is unlikely to happen just because of chance variation. We can use the laws of probability, which give a mathematical description of chance behavior, to learn if the treatment effects are larger than we would expect to see if only chance were operating. If they are, we call them statistically significant.



An observed effect so large that it would rarely occur by chance is called statistically significant.


You will often see the phrase “statistically significant” in reports of investigations in many fields of study. It tells you that the investigators found good evidence for the effect they were seeking. The Physicians’ Health Study, for example, reported statistically significant evidence that aspirin reduces the number of heart attacks compared with a placebo.




Many utility companies have programs to encourage their customers to conserve energy. An electric company is considering placing electronic meters in households to show what the cost would be if the electricity use at that moment continued for a month. Will meters reduce electricity use? Would cheaper methods work almost as well? The company decides to design an experiment. One cheaper approach is to give customers a chart and information about monitoring their electricity use. The experiment compares these two approaches (meter, chart) with each other and also with a control group of customers who receive no help in monitoring electricity use. The response variable is total electricity used in a year. The company finds 60 single-family residences in the same city willing to participate, so it assigns 20 residences at random to each of the three treatments. The outline of the design appears in the figure below.

To carry out the random assignment, label the 60 houses 01 to 60. Then enter the Random Number Tab le and read two-digit groups until you have selected 20 houses to receive the meters. Continue in Random Number Table to select 20 more to receive charts. The remaining 20 form the control group. The process is simple but tedious.


When all experimental units are allocated at random among all treatments, the experimental design is completely randomized. Completely randomized designs can compare any number of treatments. In the example, Encouraging Energy Conservation,  we compared the three levels of a single factor: the method used to encourage energy conservation. The treatments can be formed by more than one factor. The Physicians’ Health Study had two factors, which combine to form the four treatments. The study used a completely randomized design that assigned 5499 of the 21,996 subjects to each of the four treatments.

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Cautions about experimentation

The logic of a randomized comparative experiment depends on our ability to treat all the experimental units identically in every way except for the actual treatments being compared. Good experiments therefore require careful attention to details. For example, the subjects in both the Physicians’ Health Study  and the second gastric freezing experiment all got the same medical attention over the several years the studies continued. Moreover, these studies were double-blind—neither the subjects themselves nor the medical personnel who worked with them knew which treatment any subject had received. The double-blind method avoids unconscious bias by, for example, a doctor who doesn’t think that “just a placebo’’ can benefit a patient.



In a double-blind experiment, neither the subjects nor the people who have contact with them know which treatment a subject received.

The most serious potential weakness of experiments is lack of realism. The subjects or treatments or setting of an experiment may not realistically duplicate the conditions we really want to study. Here are some examples.



A study compares two television advertisements by showing TV programs to student subjects. The students know it’s “just an experiment.’’ We can’t be sure that the results apply to everyday television viewers. Many behavioral science experiments use as subjects students who know they are subjects in an experiment. That’s not a realistic setting.





Do those high center brake lights, required on all cars sold in the United States since 1986, really reduce rear-end collisions? Randomized comparative experiments with fleets of rental and business cars, done before the lights were required, showed that the third brake light reduced rear-end collisions by as much as 50%. Alas, requiring the third light in all cars led to only a 5% drop. What happened? Most cars did not have the extra brake light when the experiments were carried out, so it caught the eye of following drivers. Now that almost all cars have the third light, they no longer capture attention.


Lack of realism can limit our ability to apply the conclusions of an experiment to the settings of greatest interest. Most experimenters want to generalize their conclusions to some setting wider than that of the actual experiment. Statistical analysis of the original experiment cannot tell us how far the results will generalize. Nonetheless, the randomized comparative experiment, because of its ability to give convincing evidence for causation, is one of the most important ideas in statistics.

Matched pairs designs

Completely randomized designs are the simplest statistical designs for experiments. They illustrate clearly the principles of control, randomization, and replication. However, completely randomized designs are often inferior to more elaborate statistical designs. In particular, matching the subjects in various ways can produce more precise results than simple randomization.




Are cereal leaf beetles more strongly attracted by the color yellow or by the color green? Agriculture researchers want to know, because they detect the presence of the pests in farm fields by mounting sticky boards to trap insects that land on them. The board color should attract beetles as strongly as possible. We must design an experiment to compare yellow and green by mounting boards on poles in a large field of oats. The experimental units are locations within the field far enough apart to represent independent observations. We erect a pole at each location to hold the boards. We might employ a completely randomized design in which we randomly select half the poles to receive a yellow board while the remaining poles receive green. The locations vary widely in the number of beetles present. For example, the alfalfa that borders the oats on one side is a natural host of the beetles, so locations near the alfalfa will have extra beetles. This variation among experimental units can hide the systematic effect of the board color. It is more efficient to use a matched pairs design in which we mount boards of both colors on each pole. The observations (numbers of beetles trapped) are matched in pairs from the same poles. We compare the number of trapped beetles on a yellow board with the number trapped by the green board on the same pole. Because the boards are mounted one above the other, we select the color of the top board at random. Just toss a coin for each board---if the coin falls heads, the yellow board is mounted above the green board.


Matched pairs designs compare just two treatments. We choose blocks of two units that are as closely matched as possible. In the Cereal Leaf Beetles example, two boards on the same pole form a block. We assign one of the treatments to each unit by tossing a coin or reading odd and even digits from the Random Number Table. Alternatively, each block in a matched pairs design may consist of just one subject, who gets both treatments one after the other. Each subject serves as his or her own control. The order of the treatments can influence the subject’s response, so we randomize the order for each subject, again by a coin toss.

Block designs

The matched pairs design of the Cereal Leaf Beetles example uses the principles of comparison of treatments, randomization, and replication on several experimental units. However, the randomization is not complete (all locations randomly assigned to treatment groups) but restricted to assigning the order of the boards at each location. The matched pairs design reduces the effect of variation among locations in the field by comparing the pair of boards at each location. Matched pairs are an example of block designs.



A block is a group of experimental units or subjects that are known before the experiment to be similar in some way that is expected to affect the response to the treatments. In a block design, the random assignment of units to treatments is carried out separately within each block.


Block designs can have blocks of any size. A block design combines the idea of creating equivalent treatment groups by matching with the principle of forming treatment groups at random. Blocks are another form of control. They control the effects of some outside variables by bringing those variables into the experiment to form the blocks. Here are some typical examples of block designs.



The progress of a type of cancer differs in women and men. A clinical experiment to compare three therapies for this cancer therefore treats sex as a blocking variable. Two separate randomizations are done, one assigning the female subjects to the treatments and the other assigning the male subjects. The figure below outlines the design of this experiment. Note that there is no randomization involved in making up the blocks. They are groups of subjects who differ in some way (sex in this case) that is apparent before the experiment begins.





The soil type and fertility of farmland differ by location. Because of this, a test of the effect of tillage type (two types) and pesticide application (three application schedules) on soybean yields uses small fields as blocks. Each block is divided into six plots, and the six treatments are randomly assigned to plots separately within each block.





A social policy experiment will assess the effect on family income of several proposed new welfare systems and compare them with the present welfare system. Because the income of a family under any welfare system is strongly related to its present income, the families who agree to participate are divided into blocks of similar income levels. The families in each block are then allocated at random among the welfare systems.


Blocks allow us to draw separate conclusions about each block, for example, about men and women in the cancer study. Blocking also allows more precise overall conclusions, because the systematic differences between men and women can be removed when we study the overall effects of the three therapies. The idea of blocking is an important additional principle of statistical design of experiments. A wise experimenter will form blocks based on the most important unavoidable sources of variability among the experimental units. Randomization will then average out the effects of the remaining variation and allow an unbiased comparison of the treatments.

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Proceed to Statistics Assignment 11: Experimental Design