German 2, Semester I; Der Körper

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section Two:

Part A |   Part B  |  Part C  |   Part D

Section Two: Part D


On the one hand, Thüringen is the geographical and cultural center of Germany. Its capital is Erfurt, aka the "City of Flowers". Erfurt has a long and interesting, exciting cultural tradition with palaces, churches, and abbeys. The most famous city of the region is Weimar, where Germany's greatest writer, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, created many of his works. In 1919, the famous "Bauhaus" architectural and design movement was born here.

On the other hand, we have the Thuringian Forest, a sparsely populated landscape with dense and dark forests, grassy plains, mountain passes, rivers, streams, and creeks. There is an abundance of hiking trails, among them the oldest one in Germany. Thuringia sports 170 lakes used for all kinds of recreation. You can travel Thuringia via the so-called "Klassische Route". On this road you will be able to get to know the most important memorials of the region while taking a leisurely trip.


Noch mehr verwandte Wörter
Words that end in -ive in English are generally the same in German,minus the final -e.

expressive expressiv
positive positiv
negative negativ

Words that have the diphthong -ou in English generally have the diphthong -au inGerman.

house Haus
mouse Maus
louse Laus

Remember that though they look like words in English, their pronunciation is somewhat different. Listen carefully and repeat after the speaker so that you can pronounce them well.

Graded ASsignmentHausaufgabe
Answer these questions using complete sentences in German. Das ergibt 20 Punkte.

  1. Hast du gestern getanzt?
  2. Bist du gestern zur Schule gegangen?
  3. Hast du letzten Sommer Berlin besucht?
  4. Hast du gestern einen Hamburger gegessen?
  5. Hast du gestern Hausarbeiten gemacht?
  6. Bist du vorgestern geschwommen?
  7. Hast du letzte Woche im Restaurant gegessen?
  8. Hast du letzten Monat im Garten gearbeitet?


Speaking Assignment

Prepare a recording for your teacher telling your teacher at least 4 activities that happened yesterday. Das ergibt 16 Punkte.
You are now ready for the Section 2 Quiz. Then continue in Section Three. Test

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