
Special Journals: Cash Receipts , Page 16

Posting the General Credit Column

A business posts daily from the General Credit column of the cash receipts journal to the appropriate accounts in the general ledger. 

Step 1: Enter the transaction date in the general ledger account Date column. 

Step 2: Enter the journal letters and page number in the Posting Reference column of the ledger account. Use CR for the cash receipts journal.

Step 3: Enter the amount from the General Credit column of the cash receipts journal in the Credit column of the ledger account. 

Step 4: Compute and enter the new account balance in the proper Balance column. For the Office Equipment account shown in below Figure, use the Debit Balance column. If the account balance is zero, draw a line through the appropriate Balance column. 

Step 5: Return to the cash receipts journal and enter the general ledger account number in the Posting Reference column. 

Posting the General Credit Column