Spanish 3, Semester I; Los Sentimientos

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries


The unit dictionaries have a alphabetized list of the unit vocabulary words in both Spanish to English and English to Spanish.

Unit Dictionaries

Algo Something
Alguno Some
Andar Walk, to
Antepasados, los Ancestors, the
Apreciar Appreciate, to
Aunque Although
Bajar un río en canoa Go canoing, to
Bucear Scuba dive, to
Caminar Walk, to
Contento Content
Correr Run, to
Cuevas Caves
Dar Give, to
Decir Tell, say, to
Deportes de equipo, los Team sports, the
Deportes individuales, los Individual sports, the
Deslizarse en la nieve Snowboard, to
Despedirse Say good-bye, to
Divertirse Have fun, to
Dormir Sleep, to
Egoísta Selfish
Encantador Enchanting, charming
Encierro, el Running of the bulls, the
Enfermo Sick
Entrenarse Train oneself, to (to be in training)
Es aburrido. It's boring.
Es horrible. It's horrible.
Es malo. It's bad.
Escalar en hielo. Ice climb, to
Escalar. Climb, to
Escrito Written
Espectáculo, el Spectacle, the
Estar Be, to
Estar en forma Be in shape, to
Esto This
Gasto, el Expense, the
Generoso Generous
Guapo Handsome
Hacer Do, make, to
Han vivido. Have lived.
Idioma, el Language, the
Ir Go, to
Leyenda, la Legend, the
Más o menos More or less (about, approximately)
Me aburre…. …..bores me (seems boring to me)
Me da asco I am nauseated by….
Me disgusta I don't like
Me encanta I love
Me fascina I am fascinated by
Me gusta I like
Me interesa…. …..interests me.
Morir Die, to
Nervioso Nervous
No….ni….ni Neither….nor
No….ninguno None
No….nunca Never
No…nadie No one
No…para nada…. Not at all, not a thing
No…todavía Not yet
Oraciones Sentences
Orgulloso Proud
País, el Country, the
Para nada Not at all
Pasar tiempo con los amigos Spend time with friends, to
Pedir Ask for, to
Perezoso Lazy
Pinturas, las Paintings, the
Poder Be able to, to
Poner Put, to
Preferir Prefer, to
Qué cheveré How awesome
Qué padre How super
Qué pleno How cool
Querer Want, to
Rapidez, la Speed, the
Recompensa, la  Reward, the
Saber Know, to
Se abrazan. They hug each other.
Se escriben. They write to each other.
Se hablan. They talk to each other.
Según According to
Sentirse bien Feel well, to
Sentirse mal Feel badly, to
Ser Be, to
Serio Serious
Servir Serve, to
Siglos, los  Centuries, the
Subir Go up, to
Tabla de vela, la  Windsurf board, the
Tantos As many
Tener ganas de Feel like, to
Todavía Still
Toros, los Bulls, the
Trabajador Hard-working
Triste Sad
Valiente Brave
Venir Come, to
Ver See, to
Ya no. No longer, no more.


…..bores me (seems boring to me) Me aburre….
…..interests me. Me interesa….
According to Según
Although Aunque
Ancestors, the Antepasados, los
Appreciate, to Apreciar
As many Tantos
Ask for, to Pedir
Be able to, to Poder
Be in shape, to Estar en forma
Be, to Estar
Be, to Ser
Brave Valiente
Bulls, the Toros, los
Caves Cuevas
Centuries, the Siglos, los 
Climb, to Escalar.
Come, to Venir
Content Contento
Country, the País, el
Die, to Morir
Do, make, to Hacer
Enchanting, charming Encantador
Expense, the Gasto, el
Feel badly, to Sentirse mal
Feel like, to Tener ganas de
Feel well, to Sentirse bien
Generous Generoso
Give, to Dar
Go canoing, to Bajar un río en canoa
Go up, to Subir
Go, to Ir
Handsome Guapo
Hard-working Trabajador
Have fun, to Divertirse
Have lived. Han vivido.
How awesome Qué cheveré
How cool Qué pleno
How super Qué padre
I am fascinated by Me fascina
I am nauseated by…. Me da asco
I don't like Me disgusta
I like Me gusta
I love Me encanta
Ice climb, to Escalar en hielo.
Individual sports, the Deportes individuales, los
It's bad. Es malo.
It's boring. Es aburrido.
It's horrible. Es horrible.
Know, to Saber
Language, the Idioma, el
Lazy Perezoso
Legend, the Leyenda, la
More or less (about, approximately) Más o menos
Neither….nor No….ni….ni
Nervous Nervioso
Never No….nunca
No longer, no more. Ya no.
No one No…nadie
None No….ninguno
Not at all Para nada
Not at all, not a thing No…para nada….
Not yet No…todavía
Paintings, the Pinturas, las
Prefer, to Preferir
Proud Orgulloso
Put, to Poner
Reward, the Recompensa, la 
Run, to Correr
Running of the bulls, the Encierro, el
Sad Triste
Say good-bye, to Despedirse
Scuba dive, to Bucear
See, to Ver
Selfish Egoísta
Sentences Oraciones
Serious Serio
Serve, to Servir
Sick Enfermo
Sleep, to Dormir
Snowboard, to Deslizarse en la nieve
Some Alguno
Something Algo
Spectacle, the Espectáculo, el
Speed, the Rapidez, la
Spend time with friends, to Pasar tiempo con los amigos
Still Todavía
Team sports, the Deportes de equipo, los
Tell, say, to Decir
They hug each other. Se abrazan.
They talk to each other. Se hablan.
They write to each other. Se escriben.
This Esto
Train oneself, to (to be in training) Entrenarse
Walk, to Andar
Walk, to Caminar
Want, to Querer
Windsurf board, the Tabla de vela, la 
Written Escrito


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