French 2, Semester I; La Routine

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries

  Section Two:

Part A |   Part B  |  Part C  

Section Two: Part C

Bridge at Avignon
One important historical city in Provence is Avignon. Avignon is presently a commercial center for South France located about 80 miles north of Marseilles. Wine, oil, flour and textiles are produced here but another very important source of revenue for Avignon is tourism. Le Palais des Papes, whose construction began in 1335, draws many visitors each year. Seven popes lived in Avignon, from 1304 until 1423.

The bridge in the picture you see above is the bridge over the Rhône River that was first desired to be built by St. Bénezet, a young shepherd who claimed to have been sent by God to Avignon to build the bridge. The bridge that you can see in this picture was partially destroyed in the 17th century.

There is a well-known folk song about this bridge, Sur Le Pont d'Avignon. The song talks about dancing "on" the Avignon bridge. As a matter of fact, the dancing did not traditionally take place on the bridge, but under it. The bridge was too narrow to dance on and when there were celebrations with dancing, they took place under the bridge.


Song Sur Le Pont d'Avignon
Let's learn the song.

Sur le pont d'Avignon,
On y danse, on y danse,
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tout en rond.
Les beaux messieurs font comme ça
Et les belles dames font comme ça.
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse, on y danse,
Sur le pont d'Avignon
On y danse tout en rond.

On the bridge of Avignon,
Everyone dances, everyone dances there
On the bridge of Avignon,
Everyone dances all in a circle.
The handsome men do like this
And the beautiful ladies do like this
On the bridge of Avignon,
Everyone dances, everyone dances there
On the bridge of Avignon,
Everyone dances all in a circle

Graded AssignmentWhen you have listened to the song and you feel comfortable with it, record it for a grade. Ce devoir vaut 16 points.

Writing PracticeAu travail!
Look at each picture below and use the subject given to say that person is doing that activity. Click on each picture to see a correct response.

je Bathe
tu Wake up
elles Put on make-up
ma soeur Wash
nous Have fun
Yvette Go to bed

In order to make these negative, we simply put "ne" in front of both parts of the verb, with "pas" afterwards. Je ne m'amuse pas. Make the above sentences in the negative now. Again, click on each one to see the correct response.

je Bathe
tu Wake up
elles Put on make-up
ma soeur Wash
nous Have fun
Yvette Go to bed

You are now ready for the Section Quiz. When you are done, go on to Section Three.

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