French I, Semester 2; Les Endroits

Introduction  |  Section 1  |  Section 2  |  Section 3  |  Dictionaries


Welcome to Les Endroits , Unit 6!

Québec is the name for both the capital and the province. This French-speaking area borders northeastern United States. It is a very interesting place (endroit) to visit. In this unit, we are going to learn more about Québec and its French heritage. We'll also take a look at other interesting "endroits" that you might like to visit in your city or town.

Unité Six
Our first unit in French 1b picks up where French 1a left off. It is structured very similarly to the first semester course. Each unit in this course is divided into three sections. Each section will contain material that will build upon material that was presented in the previous section. It will be very important for you to work consistently and in order as you begin to build your skills in French, beginning right here, with the first unit of this course.

This course introduces quite a bit more French, but builds on what you already should know. So, as more vocabulary and structure are added, make sure you know what you are responsible for.

In Les Endroits you will learn to:

  1. talk about your city or town
  2. talk about additional stores or places in your town
  3. describe where things are in relation to other things in your town
  4. talk about things you do, like to do, need to do, want to do or have to do
  5. talk more about cognates
  6. research and gather information about Québec
  7. understand more about cities in French-speaking countries

Icon Symbols
As you work, you will see icon symbols that identify the kind of activity you are doing. Check them here, Look at an explanation here.


Les accents!
Writing in French requires the use of accent marks that are not used in English. These spelling marks or accent marks over vowels are part of the actual spelling of the word and should be included at all times if the word requires it. How are you going to learn which words need an accent? For now, just memorize the word with its accent mark. You will need to make these accent marks when you turn in written assignments to your teacher. There is an explanation in the Course Home section, and it is repeated here. Learn how to make accent marks here.

Unit Vocabulary
All the vocabulary in this unit relates to cities and towns, places in a city or town, where things are in relation to other things in a city or town and things you do in those places. Click on the link below to see and hear all of the vocabulary and sentences you will learn here. As you go through the unit, return to this from time to time to practice this vocabulary.


Culture Focus
This unit will feature several cultural activites or simply items of interest related to cities and towns in French-speaking countries.


Research Item / Web Quest
Each unit in French 1b will have a research topic that you will gather information about throughout the course of the unit. The first unit's research topic is: Québec. You will be given instruction throughout the unit on items you are to gather for the unit's research project. This will be turned in at the end of the unit.

Unit Activities
Below is a list of the various activities in the unit. Though no activities should be skipped, the activities that are listed here are for a grade in the course and the point values are in red.

  1. Section 1, Part A, Discussion Board: 8 points
  2. Section 1, Part A, Speaking Assignment: 8 points
  3. Section 1, Part B, Discussion Assignment: 8 points
  4. Section 1, Part C, Québec Project, 1st deadline: 5 points
  5. Section 1, Part D, Writing Assignment: 16 points
  6. Section 1, Part E, Speaking Assignment: 16 points
  7. Section 1, Part E, Writing Assignment: 8 points
  8. Section 1, Part E, TPR Quiz: 12 points
  9. Section 1, Part F, Québec Project, 2nd deadline: 5 points
  10. Section 1 Quiz: 55 points
  11. Section 2, Part B, Speaking Assignment: 8 points
  12. Section 2, Part D, Québec Project, 3rd deadline: 5 points
  13. Section 2, Part D, Discussion Board: 12 points
  14. Section 2 Quiz: 43 points
  15. Section 3, Part A, Speaking Assignment: 16 points
  16. Section 3, Part B, Written Assignment: 16 points
  17. Section 3, Part C: Québec Project, Final deadline: 25 points
  18. Section 3 Quiz: 38 points
  19. Unit Exam: 71 points

You should keep in mind that during the course of this unit, Les Endroits, you should spend time doing the following daily:

  1. Vocabulary activities, just drilling vocabulary (flashcards), at least 15 minutes daily.
  2. Reviewing notes or items from French 1a


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