
Download and complete 7.05 Scramble for Africa.

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Now take a look at Maps.com: World Imperialism to 1908 and see where European nations held power over the native peoples in Asia. Remember your studies in Unit 2 about Japan, China, and Africa? There were enormous resources in these areas, and the European nations were in a race to compete for holdings there. Were the Europeans welcomed by the people on the continent of Asia and the surrounding island nations? As you learned earlier, the British had complete control of India. As they opened their relationship with China, they created problems by bringing in Opium from India, a land they already controlled. This would cause the first Opium War (there would be two) between them and eventually they would forge a treaty—the Treaty of Nanking—which opened four new Chinese ports to the British and gave the British control over Hong Kong. Other Western nations would come to China causing great resentment among the Chinese people toward the imperialist powers.

Complete 7.05 Imperialism Map. Submit your completed work to the 7.05 Imperialism Map Dropbox.
