
As you learned in the last unit, the Industrial Revolution, as it traveled from England across Europe, brought about a need for new markets, more cash capital, and raw materials that could not be produced in the small, but powerful, nations of Europe. Since Germany and Italy, as newly unified nations, had not been engaged in empire building as long as other European nations had, they also wanted a piece of the action. However, Italy would not be as successful as Germany in the scramble for land in Africa. What African nation would defeat Italian attempts to colonize it and remain independent? Be sure to know the answer to this question because you will see it on your test.

Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Describe the impact of European nationalism and Western imperialism as forces of global transformation, including the unification of Italy and Germany, the rise of Japan's power in East Asia, economic roots of imperialism, imperialist ideology, colonialism and national rivalries, and United States' imperialism
  • Describing resistance to European imperialism in Africa, Japan, and China

The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: World History: 1500 to the Present Objective(s): 11, 11B1.

This lesson incorporates the following Literacy Standard(s):

