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Lesson 1.01: Ethics in Web Design

a teacher and his students

Every profession has its own set of ethical guidelines most of its members adhere to. While ethics isn’t something that people generally think about when considering a web designer, it is extremely relevant. The Web is built on the hard work of honest people who devote their time and energy to creating original content. The global epidemic of content theft violates people's rights and discourages the creation of new web content. In this lesson, you will learn about copyright law as it pertains to web design and how to properly cite resources.



Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • model appropriate and acceptable behaviors in relation to computer practices and Internet usage.
  • cite web sources used in a research project.
  • discuss copyright law as it pertains to web design.

The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: Multimedia Design objective(s): 8.

This lesson incorporates the following Literacy Standards: R2.

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