1920s Magazine ProjectOpen 1920s Magazine Project for the complete project description.
Step Five:
Complete 5.03 Magazine Articles Group Discussion. Work together as a group to decide which topics from the list below your group will cover in your magazine. Each group member must select one topic. The Discussion Leader should help ensure that everyone selects a different topic.
Magazine Article Topic List
- The Red Scare
- Immigrant Restrictions
- Prohibition and the 18th Amendment
- The Scopes Trial
- The Automobile and Increased Lesiure Time
- Innovations and trends of the 1920s
- Lost Generation writers
- Changing role for women
1920s Magazine ProjectStep Seven:
Write a 3-paragraph magazine article about your selected 1920s topic. Information for the article may be found within the lesson or from outside research. If you include information from outside sources be sure to include the correct MLA citation information. All information in the article should be written in your own words and phrases.
Your article must include the following:
1) A summary of the topic
2) The important dates and people involved in the topic
3) Your own analysis of how the topic impacted life in the 1920s
Type your article in a Word document and submit it to 5.03 Article Dropbox.