Assessment #1
Now that you've discovered what life was like during the Gilded Age, it is time to create a poster highlighting the key features of the era. Follow the five steps below: 1) Review the information from the lesson (use your outline as a tool!). 2) Choose 8 elements that you feel best reflect life from the period (examples of elements include: inventions, inventors, political events, etc.). 3) Find a picture online or take an original photo that reflects each element. 4) Paste the images (along with the website where it was located, if applicable) in a Word Document. (Note: you may use another format for your poster with teacher approval.) 5) In 2-3 sentences, describe why each element is indicative of the era and how your image reflects that element. Be sure to include a title on your document and make artistic decisions to ensure your poster is visually appealing. Submit your completed poster to 1.04 Gilded Age Poster Dropbox. Assessment #2
Complete 1.04 1900 House Discussion.
2) Respond to the thoughts of one classmate’s post in 1.04 1900 House Discussion by writing at least 2 sentences concerning his or her post. |