"All the real work is done in the rehearsal period."" – Donald Pleasence, actor
Donald Pleasence, right, played a character in the Halloween movie franchise. Image by Steve Baker is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.
You have learned about the role of the actor in creating a believable character. This is a long process that happens during rehearsals. Rehearsal is an important part of this process that brings all of the pieces together. The director must carefully plan the rehearsal process in order to bring the show to its opening.
In this unit, you will learn about the rehearsal process and practice what you learned in a final performance.
Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to...
- Define and demonstrate an understanding of curtain call, cheating out, composition, context, full back, full front, memorization, picturization, profile, quarter turn, text, three-quarter, and upstaging.
- Define terms covered in earlier units including cross, downstage, enter, exit, stage balance, stage left, stage right, and upstage.
- Compare types of rehearsals, including read-through, blocking, working, polishing, tech, and dress.
Essential Questions
- Why is rehearsal important?
Enduring Understandings
- Rehearsal is necessary to the development of believable and authentic performances.
The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: Theatre Proficient standards: 6.