Course Vocabulary

Below you will find the vocabulary used in this course divided by unit.

Unit #1

Term Definition
actor brings a character to life on stage; develops a character under the director's supervision
amateur theatre theatre performed by nonpaid actors, dancers, and singers
apron the area of a proscenium stage that extends beyond the curtain
arena stage a stage that is completely surrounded by audience members
audition an interview for a particular role or job as a singer, actor, dancer, or musician
black box stages another name for flexible stages; its generally an empty room where audience seating can be placed anywhere
blocking the planning of movement on a stage
Broadway theatre a theatre building with more than 500 seats
callbacks the second audition that is used to narrow down possible actors for a role
cast to select actors for particular roles
closed audition an audition limited to members of actor's union or by invitation
cold reading audition an audition where actors perform unfamiliar text with creativity and feeling
commercial theatre a business within a community that attempts to make profits for investors
Costume designer the person responsible for creating the costumes that actors wear to portray characters in a play.
costume plot a list that shows what each character wears in each scene in a show
designers create the visual picture the audience sees on stage
director oversees all aspects of a theatrical production, works with designers to make creative decisions, and puts the production on stage
educational theatre theatre that has specific educationnal goals, including to teach, persuade, and convince
entrance making an appearance on stage
exit leaving the stage
flexible stage stages that are made out of found spaces and can be arranged in any way the director needs
Lighting designer the person who helps create the mood of the show with the use of light technology
not-for-profit theatre a theatre that enrichs a community and rolls all profits back into its operation
off-Broadway theatre a theatre building that has between 100 and 499 seats
open audition an audition open to the general public; also called "cattle call" auditions
playwright writes the play
prepared audition an actor comes with material prepared baed on established guidelines
producer oversees all aspects of the development of a theatrical work, including overseeing the financial aspects and hiring creative staff
proscenium stage a stage which is like a picture frame through which the audience can see the action of the play
resume a one-page summary of an actor's physical description and work history
scenic designer the person who is reponsible for the creation of the scenery for the play
sound designer the person responsible for the auditory portion of a show
stage balance keeps the action balanced across the stage
technical director term that includes other designers, such as the set designer and the costume designer
theatre budget an estimate of income and expenses for a theatrical production
thrust stage a stage that is surrounded on three sides by the audience



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