
"Directing teenage actors is like juggling jars of nitroglycerine: exhilarating and dangerous." - Stephen King, author

This is a shocking statement, but very true about theatre directing! When a director enters a new project, they are never sure what may happen.

Stephen King reads at a U.S.O. event in Germany in 2013. Image is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

As we continue our discussion of the theatre collaborators, we cannot get to the final production without the director. A theatre director is the link between the producer and the creative team needed to stage a play that audiences want to see. A skilled director can navigate all of the danger zones and end up with a polished, final production.

Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to...

  • Identify the different types of stages: proscenium, thrust, arena, and flexible
  • Write stage directions for a dramatic work

Essential Questions

  • How does the collaboration of theatre artists relate directly to the success of a theatrical work?

Enduring Understandings

  • A theatrical works' success is dependent on the collaboration of many artists.

The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: Theatre Proficient standards: 5.

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