6.04 Vocabulary
1. resident
definition: someone who lives at a particular place for a prolonged period
sentence: Janie is a resident at Inverness Apartments since her home burned down last year.
2. betrayed
definition: deceived; let down
sentence: The girl felt betrayed when her boyfriend chose to hang out with his friends instead of her.
3. ether
definition: colorless, sweet-smelling liquid; used as an anesthetic
sentence: The nurse put ether on my scrape to make it heal.
4. craggy
definition: rough; uneven
sentence: The craggy lines looked as if a three year old had drawn a picture.
5. conspiratorial
definition: having to do with secret planning, plotting
sentence: When the faculty of our school was playing the volleyball team, the teachers thought they had conspiratorial plans; however, it backfired when they lost.
6. obscured
definition: dimmed; darkened
sentence: The road signs were obscured by the night’s darkness; I couldn’t read any of them.
7. pretense
definition: pretending; make-believe
sentence: The student signed up for geometry under false pretenses; her boyfriend was taking the class.
8. serene
definition: peaceful; calm
sentence: The beach is so serene; I can easily fall asleep listening to the ocean.
9. lucid
definition: marked by clearness of reasoning, expression
sentence: When Margie awoke from the anesthesia, she was not lucid; she kept saying the craziest things.
10. chronic
definition: lasting a long time; constant
sentence: My brother has had a chronic cough for the past five years.
11. regally
definition: stately; fit for or belonging to a king or queen
sentence: The blouse that Mrs. Peters is wearing looks so regally; she could pass for royalty.