
Do you remember in Unit 2 when you learned to talk about other people? Click on the words below to check and see if you remember the vocabulary for other people:

der Mannthe man

die Frauthe woman

das Fräuleinthe young woman

das Kindthe child

der Freund / die Freundinthe friend

Do you remember in Unit 1 when you learned about nouns? What is the most important thing to remember about nouns in German?

German nouns have gender!

In this lesson, you will explore what it means for a noun to have a gender and learn about the four definite articles that commonly precede nouns.

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Distinguish between the genders of nouns (der, die, and das) in the nominative case

The above objectives correspond with the following Alabama Course of Study: Modern Languages Level I Objectives: 1 & 8.



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