
Download and complete 6.03 Une Autre Chambre.

When you have finished submit it to 6.03 Une Autre Chambre Dropbox.


Download 6.03 Dictée.

Listen to this audio. You will probably need to listen to it several times.

When you have finished, submit this task to to 6.03 Dictée Dropbox.

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Download and complete 6.03 Object Pronouns.

When you have finished, submit it to 6.03 Object Pronouns Dropbox.

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Unit 6 Collaborative Project - Step #4

Submit your team's corrected PowerPoint rough draft to 6.03 Rough Draft Dropbox to receive individualized teacher feedback.

Use the comments you receive from your teacher to improve your final project submission.

Be sure to read the grading rubric.

Read a complete synopsis of this project.

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Unit 6 Collaborative Project - Step #5

Download and complete 6.03 Teammate Evaluation. There is a section for each of your teammates, so be sure you assess each team member separately.

When you have finished, submit it to 6.03 Teammate Evaluation Dropbox.




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