
Download, complete, and submit 8.04 Solid Waste & Waste Management.


Complete 8.04 Waste Discussion.

  1. You have learned that the average American generates about 4.3 pounds of waste per week. Using this information, calculate how much waste your household creates per day, per week, per month, and per year. Post these answers to the 8.04 Waste Discussion.
  2. After your classmates post their responses, calculate the total amount of waste that the families of your entire ACCESS class produce per day and year.
  3. Considering what your class produces, post one thing you could do to help reduce the amount of waste produced and the amount of waste sent to the landfill.
  4. Respond to at least two classmates' ideas for waste reduction. Be sure to reply back to anyone who responds to your post.

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Download, complete, and submit 8.04 Dear City Council. You will be asked to write a letter to your city council outlining an alternative method of disposing solid waste. You can use the posts in the previous discussion to help you write your letter.

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Complete the Unit 8 Test.



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