
Communication of ideas comes in many forms, or media. Authors write books, short stories and poems. Artists create paintings, sculptures and photographs. Composers write lyrics and musical compositions. Politicians give speeches and create campaign ads. Companies use commercials and catchy jingles.

  • What do all of these types of media have in common?

There are three main purposes for communicating:

  • to persuade,
  • to inform,
  • and to entertain.

We can use the acronym P.I.E. to help us remember them.

Now, let’s examine clues to help us understand an author’s purpose. Notice what the tabs spell out below:

P – Persuade

Authors often write to persuade readers, listeners or viewers. They want the audience to do something or to believe something.

Persuasive writing is meant to appeal to your logic, your emotion or your morals or beliefs.

For example, politicians give campaign speeches to convince voters to vote for them.

Common Types of Media Used to Persuade:

  • advertisements
  • campaign speeches
  • persuasive letters
  • book reviews
  • protest signs

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