
You have seen a glimpse of realist writing. Now, it is your turn to write your own story using characteristics of American Realism. Your adventure story should be nonfiction because you are pulling from your own experiences.

Think of an experience or incident that happened to you when you were with someone else. Allow your story to entertain the reader by making it full of adventure, mystery, mischief, and/or intrigue. You can choose whether you would like to use first or third person point of view.

Download and complete 6.09 Narration.

The top portion of this Task is brainstorming story ideas. The second page is where you will write your story. Be sure to edit and correct your writing before you submit it. When you are certain that you have eradicated your mistakes, submit it to 6.09 Narrative Dropbox.

Consult the grading rubric for more information.

Go to the Quizzes section and complete the Unit 6 Test.




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