Task #1
There seems to be disagreement over whether or not the world is running out of resources. Read the articles below to learn more, in order to form an opinion about this topic.
- The six natural resources most drained by our 7 billion people, The Guardian
- 2030: A "perfect storm" of global resource shortages, CNBC
After reading the articles, go to the 1.01 Scarcity in the News Discussion and post your thoughts about our world's resources and what needs to be done, if anything, to sustain them.
Next, read your classmates' posts and respond to two of them.
When participating in an online discussion, you should use formal, standard English and obey all conventions of punctuation and spelling. Avoid abbreviations or symbols used in texting, messaging, or informal conversation.
You will be graded according to the 1.01 Scarcity in the News Discussion Scoring Guide.