Module 4 - Game Skills 2
Assignment 4.07

Objectives: After studying the Module 4 Game Skills 2, you will be able to:

  1. Apply the correct syntax when using READ - DATA statements.
  2. Apply the correct syntax when using PRINT USING to control the format of variables.
  3. Create a flowchart for an algorithm using READ - DATA statements to enter sets of data, use variables to perform calculations, and control the output format with PRINT USING.
  4. Create a program using READ - DATA statements to enter sets of data, use variables to perform calculations, and control the output format with PRINT USING.



You have begun to see how to use READ - DATA and PRINT USING. When you need to store many sets of data within a program, READ - DATA is the best choice. When you need to precisely control the output to the screen, PRINT USING solves many problems.

You have some experience with these statements now, so let's "swing" right into an assignment.

An Example

Do the programs in Module 4 seem longer? Don’t be fooled. If you look carefully you may notice a pattern. Let’s look at the PLANETS program again and break it down to small easy to follow sections.

View the presentation on Helpful Hints for READ/DATA, PRINT USING, and Writing Programs or read the text version.

Presentation Icon


The program in this assignment is designed to give you experience in the following areas:

  • using READ - DATA statements to enter sets of data
  • creating slightly more complicated calculations
  • controlling the appearance of output with PRINT USING statements

Details of this assignment are provided in the following pdf file which you should print out and carefully study.

  • Download and print this file now: 4_7_1.pdf

Once you print the assignment file, you can use the links shown below if you want to include "real" statistics in your program.

Total Baseball from
Major League Baseball from MLB Advanced Media, L.P.
Baseball Reference

Submit your completed assignment "Assignment 04.07" to your instructor for a grade in the Dropbox area.

A QBasic Review

Before you move on to the next assignment, please make sure that you can do the following.

  1. Apply the correct syntax when using READ - DATA statements.
  2. Apply the correct syntax when using PRINT USING to control the format of variables.
  3. Create a flowchart for an algorithm using READ - DATA statements to enter sets of data, use variables to perform calculations, and control the output format with PRINT USING.
  4. Create a program using READ - DATA statements to enter sets of data, use variables to perform calculations, and control the output format with PRINT USING.

Your mastery of READ - DATA and PRINT USING is preparing you to write more complicated programs.

When you have completed this assignment, return to the Game Board and move on to Assignment 4.08 Game Skill 3.
