
Word processing as we know it evolved from development in the early 80s with programs such as AppleWriter and WordStar but it was still very limited compared to our modern technology.
Upgraded operating systems began to include text editors that enabled the user to type on a blank document screen and was primarily used for writing and editing lines of computer code.
Notepad is an example of a text editor and has been included in Windows from earliest versions. It is still used for that purpose today as well as other tasks that do not require heavy formatting. Remember plain text editors do not have the functionality of full-blown word processing software.
WordPad is a very basic word processing application that gives the user more options than a basic text editor but it still has limitations. Although developed by Microsoft, it is important to note that WordPad does not have the same power as Microsoft's Word, which is the most popular word processing tool in the market today. But if you do not have Word, then WordPad allows you to compose, edit and format a document. Windows Help provides a brief tutorial on WordPad.
Text Edit is a similar program for Mac users. It is great for typing lists, notetaking or other tasks that do not need heavy formatting. How to Use Text Edit.
Although there are other options for word processing software, Word remains dominant in personal use, educational and business markets. Its popularity can be attributed to ease of use, range of functions and versatility in applications. Versions are available for both Windows and Mac operating systems as well as mobile devices.
If you do not do a lot of writing, you may not need a fully functional program like Word or Apple Pages. These programs are expensive for the occasional user; however, there are many free options such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word Online, and Open Office.
Composing with some type of word processing program is second nature to most computer users. Most people don't even think about it. Can you really imagine sitting down to writing a letter, composing a legal document, preparing a research paper or writing the great American novel today without the benefits of autocorrect, grammar check, spell check, a thesaurus, word count, and other editing tools?

Format, in a simple definition, is the arrangement or layout of the information on the page that is organized and pleasing to the eye.
There are many established and acceptable formats for business letters, personal letters, memos, résumés, and other documents. A good explanation of the parts and layout of a basic business letter is found here and other examples are found at this site.
Word processing software makes it easy to produce an attractive layout for personal or business use. It is easy and often less expensive for businesses to develop their own forms. It is even becoming common place for individuals to create and print their own designs for graduations, weddings, birthdays, and other life events.
Basic word processing involves format functions such as
- layout settings margins, tabs, indentions ,
- font changes in appearance,
- size and color,
- word wrap returning to the next line when the text hits the established margin ,
- copy/cut and paste text,
- search and replace,
- alignment left, center, right, justified page numbering,
- page orientation portrait, landscape ,
- spell check,
- and a great many more including inserting links or images. So that with a click on the hyperlink icon it is possible to insert a link on a word, phrase, or graphic to take you to a website, email, or another program.
Features that are a little more advanced may include
- column formatting,
- outlining,
- mail merge a large mail out created using a form letter and a database of addresses ,
- creating tables,
- footnotes and endnotes,
- headers and footers,
- layout and design tools styles, graphics, tables, charts, and graphs ,
- spell check, and
- macros repetitive text .
Review tools which are generally used for checking spelling, accessing a thesaurus or getting a word count, also include other editing features especially good for collaborative projects. When working in a group, the review tools track changes, make comments are especially helpful in tracking changes or to accept or reject inserted comments.
Another way to format your product is to use pre-formatted templates. A template is a pre-formatted document that users adjust for their own personal information. Templates can save time because they are already arranged in specific styles for business letters, brochures, business cards, advertising flyers, and many other common business forms and documents. Using a template is a good way to get started on personal tasks such as garage sale signs and flyers, letter and résumé formats, cards and invitations, and event programs such as for church services, weddings, funerals, baptisms, and other events. Word processing programs offer many templates within the program as well as via online resources. Using a template is a good starting point and can offer ideas on making the end product visually appealing. There are hundreds of templates available online from many sites such as Microsoft, or Avery, a worldwide company specializing in office products such as labels.

Word processing software offers other helpful functions depending on the developer's version. Limited versions may not include some of the sophisticated functions as found in the complete package. A common feature in most versions is the mailing function which includes formatting envelopes with the delivery address as well as the return address. Most printers have an envelope feed in the paper tray to accommodate various sizes. The software also has options for various sizes of envelopes and postcards. One of the most useful functions of the mailing feature is preparing labels. Businesses use this application on a regular basis for marketing purposes to send out mass mail outs of advertising. Labels are helpful when information is sent out routinely to a specific group. In personal applications, mailing labels are created for party invitations, graduation announcements, class reunions, Christmas cards, and other such uses. An address list is easy to set up a list through the label or envelope menu which offers a selection of many sizes and types.
The mail merge feature is common to many word processors and allows one document to be customized for a large mailing list. In the mail merge process, whether for business or personal applications, one document is prepared and an address list is created. Fields are designated in the document to act as placeholders for the information that would be changed in each document file to make it personalized. This is also known as a form letter. The two separate files are later merged into one file for printing and distributing.
A macro, in simple terms, is a function that will record text that can be played back by a specific command. A macro is often repetitive text such as a company name, department name, a phrase or signature lines. A macro can also be used to keep consistent format in documents in regard to font color, size, typeface or the insertion of preformatted tables and graphics. Although macros may be used for personal business tasks, they are often extensively created to save time in repetitive typing especially in the legal and medical fields where specific terminology is frequently repeated.
Word processing software also offers advanced layout and design features involving text and table alignment, styles, text direction, sorting text and simple math functions. Desktop publishing tasks such as brochures, business cards, flyers, and other publications can be easily designed without the extra expense of a printing company. Full-featured word processing software can handle all kinds of specialized tasks that formerly required multiple programs.

How to Use it
Online tutorials can be found for most word processing softwares.
- Microsoft Word: GCF LearnFree Microsoft Office - choose your version
- Apple Pages: A Beginner's Guide to Pages
- Google Docs: Creating Google Docs
- WordPad: Using WordPad
Watch this short video to learn the basics of using word processing software. (5:57)
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