When it became time for Danielle to decide which financial institution to use, she had several options. She could use the same bank her parents already use or she could check out the credit union her grandmother uses. She could also try an online only bank that does not have physical branches.
Which of these choices appeals to you? In this lesson, you will use all you have learned in the unit so far to evaluate three financial institutions. From there you will choose the one that best fits your needs.

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to...
- Evaluate financial institutions
- Describe fees associated with checking accounts
- Demonstrate how to use a financial institution's website
Enduring Understandings
- Banking and checking accounts are required to manage an individual's daily financial needs.
- Choosing a bank involves understanding the various services and fees involved in that decision.
- Proper management of money is essential to personal financial stability and success.
The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: Career Preparedness standards: 18a and 19.