Spanish 3, Semester I; A Trabajar

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries


This page has several dictionary links from which you can select.

  1. The unit dictionaries have a alphabetized list of the unit vocabulary words in both Spanish to English and English to Spanish.
  2. The cumulative dictionaries have all the vocaulary words from all the units you have completed so far in alphabetical order, both Spanish to English and English to Spanish.

Unit Dictionaries

Abogada, la Lawyer, the (fem)
Abogado, el Lawyer, the
Aconsejador, el Counselor, the
Aconsejadora, la Counselor, the (fem)
Actitud positiva, la Positive attitude, the
Agricultor, el Farmer, the
Agricultora, la Farmer, the (fem)
Alcalde, el / la Mayor
Almacenero, el Grocer, the
Armada Invincible, the Invincible army, the
Arquitecto, el Architect, the
Arreglar Arrange, to; fix, to
Asalariados Salary-paid
Asistir Attend, to
Bombero, el Firefighter, the
Capaz Capable
Carnicero, el Butcher, the
Carrera militar, la Military career, the
Cartero, el Mailman, the
Casa de justicia, la Courthouse, the
Colegio, el High school, the
Comerciante, el Merchant, the
Compañía, la  Company, the
Confiar Trust, to
Contador, el Accountant, the
Contadora, la Accountant, the (fem)
Cuál Which, what
Cuáles Which, what (plural)
Deber Should, ought; owe, to
Dentista, el / la Dentist, the
Detalle, el Detail, the
Director, el Principal, the; Director of workers, the
Directora, la Director of workers, the (fem); Principal, the
Electricista, el / la Electrician, the
Empleado, el Employee, the
Empresa, la Business, the
Enfermero, el Nurse
Entero Entire
Entrevista, la Interview, the
Época, la Period of time, the
Estar al día Be up to date, to
Estar bien informado Be well informed, to
Farmaceútico, el Pharmacist, the
Funcionario, el Government worker, the
Gerente, el / la Manager, the
Guía, el / la Guide, the
Había sido educado Had been educated
Había(n) There was, there were
Habilidades, las Abilities, the
Hace seis horas que trabajo. I have been working for six hours.
Hacer un esfuerzo. Make an effort, to
Haga Do (formal)
Hay que One most
Haz  Do (informal)
Hombre de negocios, el Businessman, the
Honesto Honest
Hoy en día Nowadays
Hubo There was, there were
Ingeniero, el Engineer, the
Ir  Go, to
Ir a Go to, to
Jefe, el / la Boss, the
Judíos, los Jews, the
Juez, el Judge, the
Juventud, la Youth, the
Juzgar Judge, to
Lamento Sorrow
Lento Slow 
Liceo, el High school, the
Lo que What
Luchar Fight, the
Lunes que viene, el Next Monday
Maestro, el Teacher, the
Mal Bad
Mandato, el Command, the
Manejar Drive, to
Matrimonio, el Marriage, the
Mecánico, el Mechanic, the
Médico, el Doctor, the
Mujer de negocios, la Businesswoman, the
Mundo, el World, the
Naturaleza, la Nature, the
Necesitar Need, to
Negocio, el Business, the
Nieto, el Grandson, the
Noticias, las News, the
Obra, la Work, the (as in literature)
Obrero, el Worker, the
Optometrista, el / la Optometrist, the
Panadero, el Baker, the
Pasado mañana Day after tomorrow, the
Pelear Fight, to
Peluquera, la Cosmetologist, the
Peluquero, el Barber, the
Periodista, el / la Journalist, the
Plomero, el Plumber, the
Policía, el / la Police officer, the
Político, el Politician, the
Presentarse Present oneself, to
Profesor, el Professor, the
Programador, el Programmer, the
Proteger Protect, to
Querido Dear
Recepcionista, el / la Receptionist, the
Responsable Responsible
Reuniones, las Meetings, the
Secretaria, la Secretary, the
Secretario, el Secretary, the
Seguir una carrera Study a certain field or "major", to
Solicitar Apply, to
Solicitud, la Application, the
Taller, el Shop, the
Taxista, el / la Taxi driver, the
Técnico, el Technician, the
Tener cuidado Be careful, to
Trabajador, el Worker, the
Trabajadora, la Worker, the (fem)
Universidad, la College, the; university, the
Veterinario, el Veterinarian, the



Abilities, the Habilidades, las
Accountant, the Contador, el
Accountant, the (fem) Contadora, la
Application, the Solicitud, la
Apply, to Solicitar
Architect, the Arquitecto, el
Arrange, to; fix, to Arreglar
Attend, to Asistir
Bad Mal
Baker, the Panadero, el
Barber, the Peluquero, el
Be careful, to Tener cuidado
Be up to date, to Estar al día
Be well informed, to Estar bien informado
Boss, the Jefe, el / la
Business, the Empresa, la
Business, the Negocio, el
Businessman, the Hombre de negocios, el
Businesswoman, the Mujer de negocios, la
Butcher, the Carnicero, el
Capable Capaz
College, the; university, the Universidad, la
Command, the Mandato, el
Company, the Compañía, la 
Cosmetologist, the Peluquera, la
Counselor, the Aconsejador, el
Counselor, the (fem) Aconsejadora, la
Courthouse, the Casa de justicia, la
Day after tomorrow, the Pasado mañana
Dear Querido
Dentist, the Dentista, el / la
Detail, the Detalle, el
Director of workers, the (fem); Principal, the Directora, la
Do (formal) Haga
Do (informal) Haz 
Doctor, the Médico, el
Drive, to Manejar
Electrician, the Electricista, el / la
Employee, the Empleado, el
Engineer, the Ingeniero, el
Entire Entero
Farmer, the Agricultor, el
Farmer, the (fem) Agricultora, la
Fight, the Luchar
Fight, to Pelear
Firefighter, the Bombero, el
Go to, to Ir a
Go, to Ir 
Government worker, the Funcionario, el
Grandson, the Nieto, el
Grocer, the Almacenero, el
Guide, the Guía, el / la
Had been educated Había sido educado
High school, the Colegio, el
High school, the Liceo, el
Honest Honesto
I have been working for six hours. Hace seis horas que trabajo.
Interview, the Entrevista, la
Invincible army, the Armada Invincible, the
Jews, the Judíos, los
Journalist, the Periodista, el / la
Judge, the Juez, el
Judge, to Juzgar
Lawyer, the Abogado, el
Lawyer, the (fem) Abogada, la
Mailman, the Cartero, el
Make an effort, to Hacer un esfuerzo.
Manager, the Gerente, el / la
Marriage, the Matrimonio, el
Mayor Alcalde, el / la
Mechanic, the Mecánico, el
Meetings, the Reuniones, las
Merchant, the Comerciante, el
Military career, the Carrera militar, la
Nature, the Naturaleza, la
Need, to Necesitar
News, the Noticias, las
Next Monday Lunes que viene, el
Nowadays Hoy en día
Nurse Enfermero, el
One most Hay que
Optometrist, the Optometrista, el / la
Period of time, the Época, la
Pharmacist, the Farmaceútico, el
Plumber, the Plomero, el
Police officer, the Policía, el / la
Politician, the Político, el
Positive attitude, the Actitud positiva, la
Present oneself, to Presentarse
Principal, the; Director of workers, the Director, el
Professor, the Profesor, el
Programmer, the Programador, el
Protect, to Proteger
Receptionist, the Recepcionista, el / la
Responsible Responsable
Salary-paid Asalariados
Secretary, the Secretaria, la
Secretary, the Secretario, el
Shop, the Taller, el
Should, ought; owe, to Deber
Slow  Lento
Sorrow Lamento
Study a certain field or "major", to Seguir una carrera
Taxi driver, the Taxista, el / la
Teacher, the Maestro, el
Technician, the Técnico, el
There was, there were Había(n)
There was, there were Hubo
Trust, to Confiar
Veterinarian, the Veterinario, el
What Lo que
Which, what Cuál
Which, what (plural) Cuáles
Work, the (as in literature) Obra, la
Worker, the Obrero, el
Worker, the Trabajador, el
Worker, the (fem) Trabajadora, la
World, the Mundo, el
Youth, the Juventud, la




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