Spanish 3, Semester 1; A Trabajar

Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3   |  Dictionaries


Cumulative Spanish to English

Abajo Under, underneath, down
Abogada, la Lawyer, the (fem)
Abogado, el Lawyer, the
Aconsejador, el Counselor, the
Aconsejadora, la Counselor, the (fem)
Actitud positiva, la Positive attitude, the
Adentro Inside, in
Aeropuerto, el Airport, the
Afortunado Fortunate
Afuera Outside
Agricultor, el Farmer, the
Agricultora, la Farmer, the (fem)
Ahí There
Alcalde, el / la Mayor
Algo Something
Alguno Some
Allá There
Allí There
Almacenero, el Grocer, the
Alquilar Rent, to
Alrededor de Around
Alto Stop (halt)
Andar Walk, to
Antepasados, los Ancestors, the
Antes Before
Apreciar Appreciate, to
Aquél That one (over there)
Armada Invincible, the Invincible army, the
Arquitecto, el Architect, the
Arreglar Arrange, to; fix, to
Arriba Up (upstairs)
Asalariados Salary-paid
Asiento, el Seat, the
Asistir Attend, to
Aterrizar Land, to (an airplane)
Aunque Although
Auxiliar de vuelo, el / la Flight attendant, the
Avión, el Airplane, the
Bajar un río en canoa Go canoing, to
Billete, el Ticket, the
Boleto, el Ticket, the
Bombero, el Firefighter, the
Bucear Scuba dive, to
Calzada, la Roadway, the
Caminar Walk, to
Capaz Capable
Carnicero, el Butcher, the
Caro Expensive 
Carrera militar, la Military career, the
Cartero, el Mailman, the
Casa de justicia, la Courthouse, the
Cerca de Near
Cien por ciento One hundred percent
Cinturón de seguridad, el Seatbelt, the
Colegio, el High school, the
Colgar Hang, to
Comerciante, el Merchant, the
Compañía, la  Company, the
Confiar Trust, to
Constantemente Constantly
Contador, el Accountant, the
Contadora, la Accountant, the (fem)
Contento Content
Correr Run, to
Costa Yucateca, la Yucatán coast, the
Cruce, el Cross, the
Cuál Which, what
Cuáles Which, what (plural)
Cuevas Caves
Dar Give, to
De medio tiempo Part-time
De tiempo completo Full-time
Debajo (de) Under 
Deber Should, ought; owe, to
Decir Tell, say, to
Delante de In front of
Demasiado Too much
Dentista, el / la Dentist, the
Dentro (de) Inside, in
Deportes de equipo, los Team sports, the
Deportes individuales, los Individual sports, the
Derrotar Defeat, to
Desafortunado Unfortunate
Deslizarse en la nieve Snowboard, to
Despedirse Say good-bye, to
Despegar Take off, to
Después After
Detalle, el Detail, the
Detrás de Behind
Di  Say, tell
Diga Say, tell (formal)
Director, el Principal, the; Director of workers, the
Directora, la Director of workers, the (fem); Principal, the
Divertirse Have fun, to
Dondequiera Anywhere
Dormir Sleep, to
Económico Inexpensive
Egoísta Selfish
Ejército, el Army, the
Electricista, el / la Electrician, the
Empleado, el Employee, the
Empresa, la Business, the
En alguna parte Somewhere
Encantador Enchanting, charming
Encierro, el Running of the bulls, the
Encima de On top of
Enfermero, el Nurse
Enfermo Sick
Enterarse Find out, to
Entero Entire
Entrenarse Train oneself, to (to be in training)
Entrevista, la Interview, the
Época, la Period of time, the
Equilibrio, el Balance, to
Es aburrido. It's boring.
Es horrible. It's horrible.
Es malo. It's bad.
Ésa That one  
Ésas Those
Escalar en hielo. Ice climb, to
Escalar. Climb, to
Escrito Written
Ése That one
Ésos Those
Espectáculo, el Spectacle, the
Espiritú, el Spirit, the
Ésta This one
Ésta This one
Estación de tren, la Train station, the
Estar Be, to
Estar al día Be up to date, to
Estar bien informado Be well informed, to
Estar en forma Be in shape, to
Éstas These
Este East
Esto This
Evidentemente Evidently
Evitar Avoid, to
Farmaceútico, el Pharmacist, the
Fijo Fixed
Frecuentemente Frequently
Fuera de Outside
Fuerza de voluntad, la Willpower, the
Funcionario, el Government worker, the
Gasto, el Expense, the
Generoso Generous
Gerente, el / la Manager, the
Girar Turn, to
Girar en U U-Turn, to
Guapo Handsome
Guía, el / la Guide, the
Había sido educado Had been educated
Había(n) There was, there were
Habilidades, las Abilities, the
Hace seis horas que trabajo. I have been working for six hours.
Hacer Do, make, to
Hacer un esfuerzo. Make an effort, to
Hacia Towards
Haga Do (formal)
Han vivido. Have lived.
Hay que One most
Haz  Do (informal)
Hombre de negocios, el Businessman, the
Honesto Honest
Horario, el Schedule, the
Hoy en día Nowadays
Hubo There was, there were
Idioma, el Language, the
Ingeniero, el Engineer, the
Ir Go, to
Ir  Go, to
Ir a Go to, to
Jefe, el / la Boss, the
Judíos, los Jews, the
Juez, el Judge, the
Juventud, la Youth, the
Juzgar Judge, to
Lamento Sorrow
Lealtad, la Loyalty, the
Lejos de Far from
Lentamente Slowly
Lento Slow 
Letrero, el Sign, the
Leyenda, la Legend, the
Liceo, el High school, the
Llegada, la Arrival, the
Lo que What
Luchar Fight, the
Lunes que viene, el Next Monday
Maestro, el Teacher, the
Mal Bad
Mandato, el Command, the
Manejar Drive, to
Más o menos More or less (about, approximately)
Matrimonio, el Marriage, the
Me aburre…. …..bores me (seems boring to me)
Me da asco I am nauseated by….
Me disgusta I don't like
Me encanta I love
Me fascina I am fascinated by
Me gusta I like
Me interesa…. …..interests me.
Me parece It seems to me
Mecánico, el Mechanic, the
Médico, el Doctor, the
Metro, el Subway, the
Morir Die, to
Moto, la Motorcycle, the
Mujer de negocios, la Businesswoman, the
Mundo, el World, the
Naturaleza, la Nature, the
Necesitar Need, to
Negocio, el Business, the
Nervioso Nervous
Nieto, el Grandson, the
No te preocupes Don't worry
No….ni….ni Neither….nor
No….ninguno None
No….nunca Never
No…nadie No one
No…para nada…. Not at all, not a thing
No…todavía Not yet
Norte North
Noticias, las News, the
Obra, la Work, the (as in literature)
Obrero, el Worker, the
Oeste West
Optometrista, el / la Optometrist, the
Oraciones Sentences
Orgulloso Proud
País, el Country, the
Panadero, el Baker, the
Para nada Not at all
Parada de autobús, la Bus stop, the
Parada de taxi, la Taxi stop, the
Parar Stop, to
Pare Stop
Pasado mañana Day after tomorrow, the
Pasajero, el Passenger, the
Pasar tiempo con los amigos Spend time with friends, to
Peatón, el Pedestrian, the
Pedir Ask for, to
Pelear Fight, to
Peluquera, la Cosmetologist, the
Peluquero, el Barber, the
Perezoso Lazy
Periodista, el / la Journalist, the
Permiso de conducir, el Driver's license, the
Piloto, el  Pilot, the
Piloto, la Pilot, the
Pinturas, las Paintings, the
Plomero, el Plumber, the
Poder Be able to, to
Policía, el / la Police officer, the
Político, el Politician, the
Poner Put, to
Por todas partes Everywhere
Preferir Prefer, to
Preocuparse Worry, to
Presentarse Present oneself, to
Profesor, el Professor, the
Programador, el Programmer, the
Proteger Protect, to
Qué cheveré How awesome
Qué padre How super
Qué pleno How cool
Querer Want, to
Querido Dear
Rapidez, la Speed, the
Raras veces Rarely
Recepcionista, el / la Receptionist, the
Recompensa, la  Reward, the
Reina, la Queen
Reinar Rule, to
Reino, el Kingdom, the
Responsable Responsible
Reuniones, las Meetings, the
Rey, el King, the
Saber Know, to
Sala de embarcamento, la Boarding room, the
Salida, la Departure, the
Se abrazan. They hug each other.
Se escriben. They write to each other.
Se hablan. They talk to each other.
Secretaria, la Secretary, the
Secretario, el Secretary, the
Seguir Follow, to; continue, to
Seguir una carrera Study a certain field or "major", to
Según According to
Sentirse bien Feel well, to
Sentirse mal Feel badly, to
Ser Be, to
Serio Serious
Servir Serve, to
Siglos, los  Centuries, the
Solicitar Apply, to
Solicitud, la Application, the
Subir Go up, to
Sur South
Tabla de vela, la  Windsurf board, the
Taller, el Shop, the
Tantos As many
Taxista, el / la Taxi driver, the
Te parece It seems to you
Técnico, el Technician, the
Tener cuidado Be careful, to
Tener ganas de Feel like, to
Terminal, el Terminal, the
Todavía Still
Toros, los Bulls, the
Trabajador Hard-working
Trabajador, el Worker, the
Trabajadora, la Worker, the (fem)
Tránsito, el Traffic, the
Tren, el Train, the
Triste Sad
Universidad, la College, the; university, the
Valiente Brave
Venir Come, to
Ver See, to
Veterinario, el Veterinarian, the
Viajar Travel, to
Viajero, el Traveler, the
Volar Fly, to
Vuelo, el Flight, the
Ya no. No longer, no more.




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