Psychology : Semester I : Development and Individual Differences


Introduction  |   Section 1  |  Section 2  |   Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5



Psychology : Development and Individual Differences : Section Four

Personality and Individual Differences
                                                      contemporary art

We again look at the nature/nurture issue.  Some psychologists feel that personality is inherited (genetic-nature) others feel that it is learned (environment-nurture).  Again the debate may be resolved in favor of both.  There are many definitions of personality but the one that appears most to the point is that personality is the sum of traits that makes us unique.  Let’s look at the definition: sum of traits is an additive term and supports the idea of the many areas the characteristics of personality cover.  It covers the individual’s unique way of thinking, feeling and behaving.  Unique is a term that explains the one nature of personality.  No two personalities are exactly alike. This makes the study of personality a challenge.  To resolve the challenge, psychologists emphasize the uniqueness of individuals as well as the commonalities existing across people. The function of personality theory is three-fold; first it has to organize, describe and explain the phenomena; secondly, it has to guide research and test hypotheses; thirdly, it must identify and apply principles that may be used in therapeutic settings.  The approaches to studying personality are similar to the approaches that we talked about in the first unit, so some of this material is review.

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Game See how well you learned the theories of personality.  Try this drop and drag.

assignment Assignment 4-4: Personality tests

Take the free tests and get the free results. Do not sign up for extended interpretation:

1. Take the Pattern Personality Test. Note your results.
2. Take the Color Personality Test. Note your results.
3. Take the Anxiety Test and the Locus of Control Test. Note your results.
4. Go to website and take the Big Five test.  Note your results.
5. Answer these questions for each test:
            a. How well did the test describe you?
            b. How valid (tests what it is supposed to) do you think the test is?
            c. How reliable (would give the same results if you took it again) do you think
                        test was?
6. In general what have you learned about yourself from all of the tests taken?   Which ones were beneficial and why?...which ones were not and why?
Summarize your results and answer the questions for each test.  Do this in word document and upload it to assignment 4-4. This assignment is worth 20 points.

Rubric for Assignment 4-4

Summary of each test result

1 point for each test

Answers for the 3 questions for each test

2 points for each test ( 3 questions each)


5 points

Partial credit will be given for incomplete work

Go on to the next section.

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