
Now that you have learned the importance of skills and education in the workforce you will now apply your own personal preference and see where your wages might be according to your career preference.

  1. Go to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics: May 2017 National Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates.
  2. Click on the link that contains the occupational area you have chosen or are considering. 
  3. Scroll down through the occupational titles to find the career that most closely matches the career you are considering.
  4. Click on the “SOC Code Number”, Standard Occupational Classification (SOC), to the left of the name of the occupation. Use the information on that page to answer the questions on 4.03 Wages and Me.

When you finish the task, submit it to the 4.03 Wages and Me Dropbox.

In 1894, in response to an economic depression, the Pullman Palace Car Company laid off more than half of its work force and cut the wages paid to the remaining employees by 25 percent. These actions set off a chain of events that changed the way management, unions, and the federal government interact with each other.

Use the information you find at the websites below to complete 4.03 1894 Pullman Strike.

  1. The Pullman Strike: Chicago, 1894
  2. The Pullman Palace Car Company
  3. The Pullman Strike: The Events of 1894

When you finish the task, submit it to the 4.03 Pullman Strike Dropbox.

Go to 4.03 Race and Labor Discussion and post your reaction to the article An Overview of Economic, Social, and Demographic Trends Affecting the U.S. Labor Market that you read earlier in the lesson.

The article provides evidence of gaps between certain groups within the labor market. Discuss the factors that can be attributed to the gaps including the gaps between genders and racial / ethnic groups. Consider whether or not discrimination is the main cause, or if the data is too aggregated to make that determination. After posting an original discussion you are required to respond to the posts of two classmates.

Go to the Quizzes section and take the 4.03 The Labor Market Quiz.



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