
Alternative Text for Accessibility

Number 1. This group of Americans organized politically in the late 1800s in an effort to bring attention to the needs of their members

Correct Answer: Farmers

Number 2. During the late 1800s, interests of big (blank)seemed to dominate political interest in Washington

Correct Answer: Big Business

Number 3. This was the first political party formed by farmers

Correct Answer: The Grange

Number 4. This was the second political party formed by farmers

Correct Answer: Farmers' Alliance

Number 5. This was the third political party formed by farmers

Correct Answer: People's Party or Populist Party

Number 6. Members of the Populist Party supported the free and unlimited coinage of (blank)

Correct Answer: Silver

Number 7. Populists supported more regulation over these two entities

Correct Answer: Banks and railroads

Number 8. Most Populist supporters and members were from these two regions

Correct Answer: South and West

Number 9. Democratic and Populist candidate for president in 1896

Correct Answer: William Jennings Bryan

Number 10. Republican candidate for president in 1896

Correct Answer: William McKinley

Number 11. Republicans in the late 1800s supported a (blank) standard for currency

Correct Answer: Gold

Number 12. By the end of the 1800s, this political party was associated with wealth and big business

Correct Answer: Republican

