Political Cartoon

  "Join or Die," The Constitutional Courant  
Join or Die, The Constitutional Courant
"Join or Die," The Constitutional Courant.  2005. Image.
2 August 2010. <http://www.discoveryeducation.com/>.


Political cartoons have been used throughout history to communicate messages, both positive and negative, about current events. They usually present one person's opinion about the event. The cartoon pictured above was created during the American Revolution and served as a call for unity among the colonies as they attempted to resist the unpopular Stamp Act.

For more information on political cartoons, check out the information provided at LOC Political Cartoons: Learning Activity and LOC: Cartoon Analysis Guide.


Your task for this assignment is to create a political cartoon that highlights one aspect of the farmers' political movement. Using mostly pictures, supported with a few words, this cartoon should accurately reflect one of the topics listed below.

Cartoon Options:

  • The plight (trouble) of farmers that initially encouraged them to organize politically
  • One or more of the beliefs of the Populist party
  • Reaction to the Populist Party by the government and Americans in the Northeast

Use the readwritethink Comic Creator to create your cartoon. Click here for a tutorial on how to take a screenshot of your cartoon for submission.

Your grade will be based upon how historically accurate and creative your cartoon is. When you are finished, submit your work to the 1.04 Political Cartoon Dropbox.



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