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Number 1. Country that once controlled land in what is now Mexico and parts of the southwestern United States; Mexico achieved independence from this country in 1821

Correct Answer: Spain

Number 2. Group of pioneers that traveled westward to California in the mid-1840s; due to several setbacks they became trapped in the mountains during winter; some members were forced to eat deceased party members in order to survive

Correct Answer: Donner Party

Number 3. Early inhabitants of the West; these men made a living by trapping fur; their early trails were used to create the later trails westward

Correct Answer: Mountain men

Number 4. Trail that connected the United States with Santa Fe; this trail was primarily traveled by traders

Correct Answer: Santa Fe Trail

Number 5. Trail that connected the United States with Oregon country

Correct Answer: Oregon Trail

Number 6. Persons that settled western land illegally

Correct Answer: Squatters

Number 7. Belief that Americans were destined to control the entire continent from "sea to sea"

Correct Answer: Manifest Destiny

Number 8. Term used to describe the hysteria that ensued after gold was discovered in California

Correct Answer: Gold Rush

Number 9. Site of the gold discovery in California in 1848

Correct Answer: Sutter's Mill

Number 10. Group that initially settled Oregon Country; attempted to spread their religious beliefs to the Native Americans living there

Correct Answer: Missionaries

Number 11. Parallel established as the official border between the U.S. and Canada

Correct Answer: 49th Parallel

Number 12. Religious group that settled Utah in the 1840s in an attempt to escape persecution

Correct Answer: Mormons