Establishing New England

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Number 1. English Protestants that wanted to "purify" the Church of England from Catholic icons or worship; they followed the Calvinist ideals set forth during the Protestant Reformation

Correct Answer: Puritans

Number 2. Extreme Puritans who wanted to separate from the Church of England

Correct Answer: Separatists

Number 3. French religious leader during the Protestant Reformation; believed that God was all-powerful and that humans were weak and wicked

Correct Answer: John Calvin

Number 4. Church of England; Henry VIII separated from the Roman Catholic Church and formed the Church of England after the Pope would not grant him an annulment from Catherine of Aragon

Correct Answer: Anglican

Number 5. Plymouth Bay is where the Pilgrims landed in 1620; later the colony merged with the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1691

Correct Answer: Plymouth

Number 6. Group of separatists that fled England for Holland because of religious persecution, 12 years later sailed to North America to transplant their way of life; landed in Plymouth Bay in 1620

Correct Answer: Pilgrims

Number 7. A formal agreement by the colonist that was signed aboard the Mayflower ship; it established a government with a set of rules and regulations that the colonist agreed to live by; its principles of self-government influence the later U.S. government; (41 adult men signed it)

Correct Answer: Mayflower Compact

Number 8. Ship that carried approximately 100 Pilgrims to the New World

Correct Answer: Mayflower

Number 9. Plymouth's first Governor, only survived a year and was replaced by William Bradford

Correct Answer: John Carver

Number 10. Plymouth's 2nd Governor and Primary Designer of the Mayflower Compact; he was elected 30 as Plymouth's Governor; his leadership played a major role in the colony's success

Correct Answer: William Bradford

Number 11. Native American Indian that helped the Pilgrims; he taught them how to hunt , fish, and plant; Squanto was largely responsible for the colony's success

1st Thanksgiving
Fall 1621, the 1st Thanksgiving feast was celebrated for their abundance at harvest time; it was a weeklong celebration

Correct Answer: Squanto

Number 12. Became King of England in 1603; pressured the Puritan Separatist to conform to the Church of England causing the Separatist to break all ties with the Anglican Church

Correct Answer: James I

Number 13. Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony for over a decade; famous for his sermon, "A Model of Christian Charity"

Correct Answer: John Winthrop

Number 14. Puritans who remained in England believing that they could reform the Church of England from within; eventually they felt that they could not remain in England under King Charles I's rule so they left and formed the Massachusetts Bay Colony

Correct Answer: Non-Separatist Puritans

Number 15. Nearly 1,000 settlers set sail for the new world in 1630 for Massachusetts; started off as a business venture but was also to be a haven for Puritans

Correct Answer: Massachusetts Bay Company

Number 16. Between 1630 and 1640, somewhere between 16,000 and 20,000 Puritans migrated to New England

Correct Answer: The Great Migration

Number 17. Central pasture that the Puritan towns were built around

Correct Answer: Commons

Number 18. Capital of the Massachusetts Bay Colony

Correct Answer: Boston

Number 19. Male church members who had the right to hold office and vote in the Massachusetts Bay Colony

Correct Answer: Freemen

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