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Number 1. The Name of the theatre where President Lincoln was assassinated

Correct Answer: Fords

Number 2. Lincoln's Vice-President; Assumed the role of President after Lincoln's assassination

Correct Answer: Andrew Johnson

Number 3. Democrats who were openly against the Lincoln administration, using physical and political attacks against Lincoln, the draft, and emancipation

Correct Answer: Copperheads

Number 4. The type of Democrats that were not supportive of Lincoln, but took no radical action against him

Correct Answer: Peace

Number 5. The type of Democrat that put patriotism and the war effort above party loyalty

Correct Answer: War

Number 6. The River that the Union finally controlled in 1863 that cut the Confederacy into two parts

Correct Answer: Mississippi

Number 7. Union General who won in the western theatre and was appointed to General-in-Chief of the entire Union army

Correct Answer: Grant

Number 8. Union General who task was to bring "total war" to the South; famous for his "March to the Sea"

Correct Answer: Sherman

Number 9. The nickname given to General Grant after the Spring of 1864

Correct Answer: Butcher

Number 10. Campaign that occurred in May 1864; area was below the old battlefields of Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg; Heavily wooded terrain caused a fire and heavy casualties for both sides

Correct Answer: Wilderness

Number 11. Union frontal assault against the entrenched Confederates outside Virginia; the Confederates lost fewer than 1500 and the Union troops were quite severe, losing 7,000 in less than an hour

Correct Answer: Cold Harbor

Number 12. The fall of this city helped to get President Lincoln reelected; after the city was taken Sherman is noted for burning most of it

Correct Answer: Atlanta

Number 13. Sherman's March to the Sea ended with this city; he offered it to President Lincoln as a Christmas present

Correct Answer: Savannah

Number 14. Admiral Farragut forced his way into (blank) Bay, Alabama. Fort Morgan and Fort Gaines surrendered in August 1864

Correct Answer: Mobile

Number 15. The name of the Virginia town where General Lee surrendered to General Grant in April 1865

Correct Answer: Appomattox Courthouse

Number 16. The name of the actor that shot President Lincoln (just fill in his last name)

Correct Answer: Booth

Number 17. Union General who fought Lieutenant General Jubal Early's troops in the Shenandoah Valley

Correct Answer: Sheridan

Number 18. General Grant tried to take this city that lay south of Richmond; Heavy fighting occurred in June 1864, but it would take a siege of the city to capture it; the siege would last almost a year

Correct Answer: Petersburg

Number 19. Famous Confederate prison of war camp held in Georgia

Correct Answer: Andersonville

Number 20. The main killer at the prison of war camp was (blank).

Correct Answer: Disease

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