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United Nations Review

  1. Who are the members of the United Nations Security Council?
    1. U.S., United Kingdom, France, Russia, China
    2. U.S., United Kingdom, France, Russia, India
    3. U.S., United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, India
    4. Canada, United Kingdom, France, Russia, China

    Answer: a. U.S., United Kingdom, France, Russia, China

  2. How many members of the Council must vote the same way for any action of the UN to take place?
    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. All five

    Answer: d. All five

  3. When international problems occur, what two actions can be sponsored by the UN?

    Sending out of

    1. Blue Helmet Peace Keepers
    2. Deploying troops
    3. Military supplies
    4. Money

    Answer: a. Blue Helmet Peace Keepers and b. Deploying troops

  4. Name three countries where the UN sent troops to provide aid as described in the film.
    1. Libya, Rwanda, Yugoslavia
    2. Sudan, Rwanda, North Korea
    3. Somalia, Rwanda, Yugoslavia
    4. Somalia, Congo, Yugoslavia

    Answer: c. Somalia, Rwanda, Yugoslavia

  5. What is the purpose of the United Nations?
    1. World Wide Freedom
    2. World Wide Peace
    3. World Wide Wealth
    4. Nuclear-weapons-free world

    Answer: b. World Wide Peace

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