
Now that you have a partner to work with you on your collaborative project, you need to select a topic. As a reminder, here are the topics from which you may select:

  • Rising Anti-Semitism or Other Equality Issues in the Russian States
  • Using Science and Technology to Maintain Peace (for example, drone technology, cell phone monitoring, cyber security)
  • The Use of Terrorism to Achieve Goals — Choose one of the following:
    • Taliban
    • Al-Qaida
    • Boko Haram
  • Space Exploration in the 21st Century: What Is Its Status?
  • China and Its Economic Growth: Is It the New Super Power?  Choose one from the following list:
    • Environmental Problems Resulting from China's New Economic Growth
    • Industrialism in the New China
    • Military Growth in 21st Century China
  • South Africa since Mandela
  • The Future of the State of Israel
  • Germany's Role in 21st Century Europe
  • The Future of the European Union


So that you know what each part of your project is worth, here is the point value for each of the parts. Since the project is worth over 200 points, it is important for you to complete it and do your best work. At the end of this lesson, you will turn in the project title you have selected on the form provided.

Time Frame Project Parts Point Value
Lesson 11.01 Submit Partner Form 10 points
Lesson 11.02 Submit Topic Selection Form 10 points
Lesson 11.03 Submit Five or Six Credible Websites to be used for Presentation 20 points
Lesson 11.04 Submit Summary of First Half of Presentation 35 points
Lesson 11.05 Draft of PowerPoint Presentation 50 points
Lesson 11.06 Submit Completed Participation Form
(you explain your part of the work)
15 points
Lesson 11.06 Final PowerPoint Presentation 75 points
Lesson 11.06 Discussion Board Posting with Attached Project 25 points
   240 TOTAL
Points Possible



Lesson Objectives

Following successful completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Describe the role of nationalism, militarism, and civil war in today's world, including the use of terrorism and modern weapons at the close of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first centuries.
  • Describing effects of internal conflict, nationalism, and enmity in South Africa, Northern Ireland, Chile, the Middle East, Somalia and Rwanda, Cambodia, and the Balkans
  • Depicting geographic locations of major world events from 1945 to the present

The above objectives correspond with the Alabama Course of Study: World History: 1500 to the Present Objective(s): 16, 16B2, 16B4.

This lesson incorporates the following Literacy Standard(s):

